Didactics of French II
a) To use and to exploit different approaches and methodologies in teaching a FL.
b) To develop the production and use of materials and the design of tasks aiming at a reflective and critical analysis, articulating theory and practice.
c) To consolidate the ability to build pedagogical materials appropriated to the heterogeneity of educational contexts.
d) To develop the use of digital technology to teaching and learning French FL.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Christina Philomène Léa Marie-José Dechamps
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 140
Teaching language
Not Applicable.
BARBOT, M.-J. et alii (2009). Dispositifs médiatisés en langues et
accompagnement-tutorat. Villeneuve-d’Ascq: éd. Université Lille
BEACCO, J.C. (2007). L’approche par compétences dans l’enseignement des
langues. Paris: Didier, coll. « Langues et didactique »
Conseil de l’Europe (2000). Cadre Européen Commun de Référence pour les
langues. Paris: Didier
[http://www.coe.int/t/dg4/linguistic/Source/Framework_fr.pdf ]
CORDINA, D. et alii (2018). Pratiques et projets numériques en classe de FLE.
Paris: Clé International
CUQ, J.P. et alii (2017). Cours de didactique du français langue étrangère et
seconde. Grenoble: PUG
EID, C. et alii (2019). La classe inversée. Paris: Clé International.
LIONS-OLIVIERI, M.-L. (2011). L’approche actionnelle dans l’enseignement
des langues. Paris: éd. Maison des Langues
OLLIVIER, C. et alii (2011). Le web 2.0 en classe de langue. Paris: éd. Maison
des Langues
Teaching method
The course will combine theoretical and practical sessions, including presentation, demonstration, practical activities, group discussion and reflection on the topics studied. Priority is given to the practical implementation of theory, interaction and active participation of the students, working individually and in groups, in particular in building digital teaching materials, available in an online platform.
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
a) Critical reading of theoretical texts, in particular about task-based language teaching and use of digital technology to teaching-and-learning FL.
b) Critical analysis of examples of teaching practice.
c) Critical analysis of textbooks.
d) Criticla anlaysis of web applications for educational purposes (language teaching)
e) Principles of planning.
Programs where the course is taught: