Supervised Teaching Practice in the Teaching of English and French
a) To apply scientific, pedagogical, didactic and methodological knowledge when defining, managing and evaluating curricular guidelines and pedagogical practices in teaching a foreign language.
b) To employ the knowledge and skills acquired within the scope of educational methodology and research (transversal across FL methodology and education subjects) to the observation of classes taught by teacher trainers and to the planning, teaching and evaluation of FL classes.
c) To promote the development of innovative pedagogical and methodological practices.
d) To develop an understanding of pupils in school, their similarities and differences, particularly in terms of their needs, their behaviour, motivation and levels of attainment.
e) To develop an informed and critical reflection on the educational context of foreign lang.
f) To relate the formative, reflective, research dimensions with the activity of the foreign language educator.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Christina Philomène Léa Marie-José Dechamps
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 1260
Teaching language
Alonso, E.; Castrillejo, V.A.; Orta, A. (2012). Soy profesor/a: aprender a enseñar. Vols 1 y 2. Madrid: Edelsa.
Bertocchini, P. and Costanzo, E. (2008). Manuel de formation pratique pour le professeur de FLE. Paris: CLE International.
Johnson, K. and Golombek, P. (2011). Research on Second Language Teacher Education. New York: Routledge.
Kelly, M. et al. (2004). European Profile for Language Teacher Education – A Frame of Reference. Council of Europe. Available at
Kraler, C. and Schratz, M. (2008). Wissen Erwerben, Kompetenzen Entwickeln – Modelle zur Kompetenzorientierten Lehrerbildung. Münster: Waxmann.
Vieira, I. and Moreira, M. (2008). Reflective teacher education towards learner autonomy: building a culture of possibility. In M. Raya and T. Lamb (Eds.), Pedagogy for Autonomy in Language Education: Theory, Pratice and Teacher Education. Dublin: Authentik, pp.266-282
Teaching method
The construction of the teaching profession develops within an approach that aims at promoting critical thought and reflective skills in articulation with a methodology of ´learning by doing´ in Schön´s words, without losing sight of the research dimension. Teacher training supervision is to be developed in an instructive, collaborative and reflective perspective and should lead to a reflection on the teaching process and professional and personal development open to innovatinand transformation.
Continuous assessment respecting all the work done within the scope of the Supervised Teaching Practice has two components: an intermediate evaluation (formative) and a final evaluation (summative).
More information in Despacho N. 19/2018, de 15 de maio, Normas internas de funcionamento dos mestrados em ensino – formação inicial de professores.
Evaluation method
Internship at the cooperating school(50%), Report viva examination(50%)
Subject matter
a) Observation and analysis of pedagogical contexts.
b) Practical application of curriculum and FL syllabus.
c) Planning and teaching lessons and sequences of lessons.
d) Adapting teaching approaches to the educational context and individual needs of learners
e) Critical evaluation, development and practical application of teaching materials and resources.
f) The cultural and intercultural dimension in FL education.
g) Citizenship education in relation to teaching-and-learning a FL.
h) Designing and implementing pedagogical activities and projects.
i) Assessment for learning, including diagnostic, formative and summative assessment.
j) Team-working, collaboration and networking.
k) Reflective practice and self-evaluation.
l) Intercultural citizenship education.
m) International networks of communication and exchange.
n) The European Language Portfolio and the Autobiography of Intercultural Encounters.
o) The ethical construction of the teaching profession.