Audiovisual Policies and Strategies: Migration to Digital


a) Acquisition of specific skills, information and knowledge
b) Development of analytical skills within the framework of structural issues in the field of hybrid convergences in the context of the migration to digital
c) Capacity development of applied research in the field of discursive, legal-administrative and technological strategies of the model of the emerging convergence of media and migration to new media.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Francisco Rui Nunes Cádima


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon


BURGESS, Jean e GREEN, Joshua (2009), YouTube e a Revolução Digital, S. Paulo: Alpha.
CÁDIMA F. Rui (2011), A Televisão, o Digital e a Cultura Participativa, Lisboa: Media XXI.
CHADWICK, Andrew (2007), Internet Politics: States, Citizens, and New Communication, Oxford University Press.
HINDMAN, Matthew (2009) The Myth of Digital Democracy. New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
JENKINS, Henry (2006), Convergence culture : where old and new media collide. New York : New York University Press.
PRIOR, Markus (2007), Post-Broadcast Democracy. How Media Choice Increases Inequality in Political Involvement and Polarizes Elections. NY: Cambridge University Press

Teaching method

The teaching method addresses the paradigm transition from a reflexive and analytical perspective, framed by the Communication Sciences. Discusses contexts and trends of the migration to digital within the syllabus of the seminar. The practices incorporate the participation of masters students in the presentation and discussion of key documents and texts of the seminar (estimated proportion of 50% for practices, 50% theoretical).

Evaluation: The evaluation of the seminar is made through a linkage between the formal assessment system and a continuous evaluation system, this focused in particular on the participation of students and their individual work, generally on specific topics, authors and of support texts on fundamental content of the seminar program.

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

Key themes of the seminar: Contexts of Classic TV; Public Service Television: mission, diversity and quality facing the Digital: The Emergence of Digital Environments; New Audiovisual Strategies and Community Directives; Digital Television and Audiovisual Policy in the Context of the Information Society, TV, Interactivity and networks: From TDT to ITV; From non-linear to multi-linear: interactive narrative and storytelling.