Contemporary Cinema


The objectives in this course are as follows:
a) To describe and identify contemporary issues and problems posed by the mainstream and authoral cinema, as well as their main changes and challenges over the last five decades;
b) To understand the cinematic, political, and communication`s dimensions of contemporary films, by exploring the major trends - e.g. ethics and aesthetics, etc. - towards new narrative fictions and arguments;
c) To develop research skills, and also the ability, to analyse contemporary images; and/or to be able to create a practical project based on the concepts of contemporary cinema.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Maria Irene Ângelo Aparício Veríssimo


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



Available soon


ANDREW, Dudley. Concepts in Film theory (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1984).
CAMERON, Allan. Modular Narratives in Contemporary Cinema (New York: Palgrave, 2008);
MARCHESSAULT, Janine; LORD, Susan. Fluid Screens, Expanded Cinema (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2007).

Outras referências específicas bem como textos básicos serão disponibilizados ao longo do Semestre, na plataforma Moodle.
Other references as well as basic readings will be provided online for students, thoughout the semester.

Teaching method

1. We will identify and describe facts, subjects and forms of contemporary cinema (e.g. theoretical and practical emerging questions);
2. There will be screenings of films and/or film sequences;
3. Our subjects for discussion include the social and artistic influences of cinematic contemporary forms on knowledge and people`s behaviours or political action.
In class teaching

Evaluation method:
a) Oral presentation (20-30 mintues), 30% + attendance, discussion and participation 10%;
b) Writen essay (max: 6000 words) 60%;
c) Short film project + report anlaysis providing the academic explanation and information concerning the issues of contemporary cinema.

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

In this Course we will discuss relevant issues of contemporary practices of both mainstream and authoral cinema. In order to understand the potential influence of film ethics and aesthetics on audiences, we will study contemporary film theories and practices, by anlysing post Second War movies, and recent films` sequences.


Programs where the course is taught: