Archaeological Materials
1. Understanding of ecofact and artifact concepts, their contexts and importance of each one for the characterisation of Human societies.
2. Understanding of preservation, record and inventory of crucial features. Microscope analysis and other methods for the characterisation od assemblages.
3. Acquiring of basic knowledge in order to distinguish raw materials and their processes of production and transformation, namely their operatory chains and applied technologies.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
José Carlos da Costa Quaresma
Weekly - 4
Total - 84
Teaching language
Not applicable
BOAVENTURA; R., ed. (2003) - Conservar em Arqueologia. Porto: APA-Associação Profissional de Arqueólogos.
CARO, A. (2002) – Ensayo sobre cerâmica en Arqueología. Sevilla: Ed. Agrija.
ORTON, C.; TYERS, P.; VINCE, A. (1987) - Pottery in Archaeology. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
RICE, P. M. (1987) - Pottery analysis. A sourcebook. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
TIXIER, J.; INIZAN, M.-L.; ROCHE, H. (1980) - Préhistoire de la pierre taillée. Vol. I (Terminologie et technologie). Antibes: Cercle de Recherches et d´Études Préhistorique.
CAMPS, G. (1979) - Manuel de Recherche Préhistorique. Paris: Doin Éditeurs,.
SHEPARD, A.O. (1956) - Ceramics for the Archaeologist. Washington: Carnegie Institution of Washington (Publication; 609).
Teaching method
In class teaching
Evaluation method
Written test (in class):(50%), Written test (in class):(50%)
Subject matter
1. Introduction
2. Lithics
2.1. Lithics´ use
2.2. Technological analysis
2.2.1. Basic terminology
2.2.2. "Operatory chain" definition
2.3. Reassemblage, reconstitution and experimental debitage.
2.4. Typological analysis
2.5. Raw materials origins
3.3 Introduction to the Basic Geology and Archaeometric analysis of ceramics with binocular lens.
3.1. Main rocks and formation processes.
3.2. Main minerals and their relation to archaeological clays and fabrics.
4. Ceramics
4.1. Technologcial analysis - materials, fabrics, firings, surface treatments
4.2. Typological analysis - forms, gripping features, decorations
5. Other archaeological materials
5.1. Metals. Technologies and typologies
5.2. Other artifactual classes.
5.2.1. Raw materials from animal origin
5.2.2. Glass and terracota
5.3. Ecofatcs
5.3.1. Animal and Human rests
5.3.2. Charcoal and vegetal macro-rests
6. Basic notions of inventory, preservation and restoration of archaeological materials.