Text Linguistics


This curricular unit aims at describing text organization, promoting explicit and relevant knowledge taking in account different situations, such as professional writing, editing, advertising, or languages teaching, a. o.). By the end of the curricular unit, students are supposed to have developed the following skills:
a) to master adequate tools to describe textual production contexts (physical and socio-subjective contexts);
b) to handle adequate tools to describe internal architecture of texts (general infrastructure, textualization mechanisms and enunciative mechanisms);
c) to analyse the internal architecture of texts of different genres inside a social activity or associated to different social activities (advertising, journalistic, didactics, a. o.).

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Matilde Alves Gonçalves Carvalho


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Available soon


Adam, J.-M., 2008. A linguística textual. Introdução à análise textual dos discursos. São Paulo: Cortez Editora. 
Bronckart, Jean-Paul, 2005. Os géneros de texto e os tipos de discurso como formatos das 
interacções de desenvolvimento. In Menéndez, F.M. (org.). 2005. Análise do discurso. Actas do SITAD. Lisboa: Hugin, 37-80.
Coutinho, Maria Antónia, 2004. Organizadores textuais – entre língua, discurso e género. In Da língua e do discurso, ed. Oliveira, Fátima & Isabel Margarida Duarte, 283 - 298. Porto: Campo das Letras.
Marcuschi, Luiz Antônio, 2009. Linguística de Texto: O que é e como se faz? Recife: Editora Universitária da UFPE. 
Miranda, Florencia, 2004. Cartas de reclamação e respostas institucionais na imprensa: acerca do género e dos mecanismos de responsabilização enunciativa. Calidoscópio 2 (2), 2004, pp. 17-24.

Teaching method

The course will combine theoretical and practical classes, including presentation, demonstration, practical exercises, group discussion and reflection on the topics studied. Classes will favour the practical implementation of theory, interaction and students’ active participation both individually and in a group. Students will carry out theoretical and practice tasks throughout the semester; reviewed versions will be gathered in a final portfolio assessment, likely to reflect the regular participation during classes and to prove a meaningful and reflective learning process.

Evaluation method

autonomous work(25%), porfolio(35%), written test(40%)

Subject matter

1. Texts as an object for linguistic analysis.
1.1. Text, textuality and text construction.
1.2. Language activities, texts and genres of texts; different possibilities of text construction according to different genres.
2. Aspects of genre characterization
2.1. The context of textual production: physical context parameters and socio-subjective context parameters; relationship between context of production and general architecture of texts.
2.2. General architecture of texts:
2.2.1. General infrastructure: text plan, types of discourse, prototypical sequences and other non-typified segments.
2.2.2. Textualization mechanisms: linguistic features and other resources involved in text plans; nominal and verbal cohesion.
2.2.3. Enunciative mechanisms: point of view expression and allocation of enunciative responsibilities.


Programs where the course is taught: