Licenciatura in Musicology

Education objectives

1) To acquire a solid methodological and academic grounding in the area of Musicology;
2) To acquire sensitivity towards the study of Portugal’s musical heritage and the phenomenon of the identity and diversity of musical cultures;
3) To acquire knowledge and an understanding of the various academic areas of musicology, with particular emphasis on the History of Music, Theory, Analysis and Techniques of Composition, and Ethnomusicology;
4) To develop the ability to apply acquired knowledge and solve problems in the above academic areas, thus ensuring autonomous lifelong learning;
5) To demonstrate the ability to collect, select and interpret information acquired from documentary and field research in musicological domains in order to support decisions and critiques;
6) To develop skills to communicate information, ideas and aspects of musical practice to different publics.

General characterization

DGES code



Bachelor (1st Cycle)



Access to other programs

Completion of the Licenciatura (1st cycle) degree allows the holder to apply for Masters programmes (2nd Cycle), or other post-graduate courses including those which do not confer a degree.


David John Cranmer, Paula Cristina Roberto Gomes Ribeiro Brandão

Opening date



Available soon


697 Euros/year or 3500 Euros/year (foreign students)



Teaching language

Portuguese Language

Degree pre-requisites

Each student must obtain 180 credits: 96 credits from compulsory courses of the study programme, 54 credits from restricted options and 30 credits from free options or a Minor from another academic area. Each semester the student may not enrol in more than 30 credits and must respect any pre-requisites which have been set. At the beginning of each semester, the student is advised as to which courses are the most appropriate for their academic pathway and which they should take.
Legal framework/Study programme - Aviso n.º 4479/2018- DR, 2.ª série - N.º 67 - 5 de abril de 2018.The degree of licenciado corresponds to the level 6 of the NQF and EQF-National Qualifications Framework/European Qualifications Framework.

Conditions of admittance

Students may be admitted to Higher Education through the National Competition for Access to Higher Education, special competitions/regimes and entry systems, re-enrolment systems, course changes and transfers. To apply for access to higher education through the National Competition, students must fulfill the requirements described in DGES/Access to Higher Education. More info at For more information about International Students please visit Candidates must have formal education in music.

Evaluation rules

Students at FCSH/NOVA are evaluated based on the work developed over a semester, based on class participation, presentation of written and oral tests and examinations. The result obtained either by continuous assessment or evaluation of the tests is expressed on a scale of 0 to 20. To be approved, students must have at least 10 points to pass, however, who fail have a second chance to repeat the exams. Repeat exam: Has access any student of 1st or 2nd cycle who has obtained the minimum grade of eight values per rounding in the final grade of the curricular unit. SPECIAL PROCEDURES FOR EVALUATION: - Worker-Student - Students with the status of top athletes - Mothers and fathers students - Associative leaders - Military - Other special arrangements provided legally. Students with special needs can benefit from teaching and learning conditions to meet their needs.


Code Name ECTS
01100331 Acoustics 6.0
711021087 Collegium Musicum 1 3.0
711021088 Collegium Musicum 2 3.0
01100459 Ethnomusicology: Musical Cultures of the World 6.0
711021068 Ethnomusicology: Introduction 6.0
01100430 Ethnomusicology Fieldwork 6.0
01100441 Theory and Methods of Ethnomusicology 6.0
711021069 Philosophy of Music: Basic Principles 6.0
711021089 Musical Theory and Skills 1 3.0
711021090 Musical Theory and Skills 2 3.0
711021053 Major Trends in the History of Music 6.0
711021058 History of Portuguese Music 6.0
711021059 Music and Computing 6.0
711021081 Organology 6.0
711021070 Sociology of Music: Theory and Method 6.0
711021091 Techniques of Musical Composition 1 3.0
711021092 Techniques of Musical Composition 2 3.0
711021066 Research Topics in Musicology 6.0
711021056 Theory and Method in Musicology 6.0
Optional Curricular Units 1
Code Name ECTS
01100369 Analysis of Orally Transmitted Musics 6.0
711021073 Musical Theory and Analysis - 1300 to 1600 6.0
711021075 Musical Theory and Analysis - 1750 to 1815 6.0
711021062 Musical Theory and Analysis - 1815 to 1890 6.0
01100465 Musical Theory and Analysis - 1890 to 1950 6.0
01100358 Musical Theory and Analysis - 1950 to the present 6.0
711021072 Musical Theory and Analysis - 800 to 1300 6.0
Mandatory ECTS number: 18
Optional Curricular Units 2
Code Name ECTS
01100375 History of Music: Antiquity to 1300 6.0
01100397 History of Music: 1600-1750 6.0
711021071 History of Music: 1750-1820 6.0
711021093 History of Music: 1815-1890 6.0
01100402 History of Music: 1890-1950 6.0
01100413 History of Music: 1950 to the present 6.0
01100424 History of Iberian and Latin American Music 6.0
Mandatory ECTS number: 24
Optional Curricular Units 3
Code Name ECTS
01100342 Continuo Realization and Accompaniment 6.0
711021082 Musical Cultures of Portugal 6.0
711021078 Popular Music Studies 6.0
711021063 Philosophy of Music: Problematics 6.0
711021085 Introduction to Music Psychology and Pedagogy 6.0
711021064 Chamber Music 6.0
711021079 Music and Sound Technologies 6.0
711021060 Musical Interpretation 6.0
711021080 Musical practice -Music in the World 6.0
Mandatory ECTS number: 12
Free optins may be chosen from this undergraduate study programme or any other offered by FCSH-UNL