History of Modern Portugal (17th-18th Century)


1) Relate the different spatio-temporal dimensions of the History of Modern Portugal.
2) Identify the political processes, economic, social and cultural more influential that developed in Portugal in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries.
3) Know the main historiographical interpretations of the subjects studied.
4) Knowing the basic bibliography of the subject and be able to work with historical documents of the same.
5) Develop communication skills both oral and written integrating a specific vocabulary and categorais of the modern era.
6) Acquire knowledge that enable the student to a further in-depth studies of the modern era.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Jorge Miguel de Melo Viana Pedreira


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language





COSTA, Leonor Freire; LAINS, Pedro; MIRANDA, SUSANA Munch – História Económica de Portugal (1143-2010) Lisboa:
Esfera dos Livros, 2011
GODINHO, Vitorino Magalhães – Estrutura da antiga sociedade portuguesa. Lisboa: Arcádia, 1975
HESPANHA, António Manuel – História de Portugal Moderno político e institucional. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta, 1995.
História de Portugal. A Antigo Regime (1620-1807). dir. José Mattoso. coord. António Hespanha. Lisboa: Círculo Leitores,
1993, vol.IV
Nova História de Portugal. Da paz da Restauração ao ouro do Brasil. dir. A. H. de Oliveira Marques, Joel Serrão. coord.
Avelino Freitas Menezes. Lisboa: Presença. 2001, vol.VII
MACEDO, Jorge Borges de – A situação económica no tempo de Pombal (alguns aspectos). Lisboa: Gradiva, Lisboa: 1989,
3ª ed.
PEREIRA, José Fernandes – O Barroco do século XVII: transição e mudança. O Barroco do século XVIII. O Neoclássico.
História da Arte Portuguesa. dir. Paulo Pereira. Lisboa: Círculo Leitores, 1995, vol.III, p.11-205.

Teaching method

The teaching methodology is based on two dimensions. First, a speech teacher in each class, allowing an overview of the
topic and its consequences historiographical with calls attention to the large document databases. In this context leads to
the involvement of students through exercises like presentations citation or reference to the methods and content of the
research work. Second, the progress of the evaluation process, conceiving evaluation as a learning process that allows the
use of soft skills to make history.

Evaluation method

a writing test(30%), an oral presentation and justified from a set of citations; construction(20%), followed route of preparing a research paper from document databases. (50%)

Subject matter

I. Events, life histories and conjunctures.

II. Describing the kingdom and social groups.

III. Power, richness and work.

IV. Culture dimensions, of day-to-day and of party.


Programs where the course is taught: