Methodology for History
1. To understand the relevance of the method of work for the work in History;
2. To learn how to organize a research work;
3. To reflect on the importance of the relationship between History and other knowledge;
4. To acquire notions and methodologies about the History of the present, oral history and biographies.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Luís da Costa Campos Vieira Lisboa
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Not applicable
CEIA, C. (2012, 9ª ed) Normas para Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos. Lisboa: Edit. Presença
HOBSBAWM, E., (1998) On History, Londres, Abacus, (trad. parcial 2010, Escritos sobre a História, Lisboa, Relógio d’Água).
HOWELL, M. E PREVENIER, W., (2001) From Reliable Sources. An Introduction to Historical Methods, Ithaca e Londres, Cornell University Press.
HUNT, L., (2015) Writing History in the Global Era, Nova Iorque e Londres, W.W. Norton e co.
LISBOA, J.L., (2018) Então, o quê? A História que (se) conta é problemática, Famalicão, Húmus, 2018.
MATTOSO, J. (1988). A Escrita da História. Teoria e Métodos. Lisboa: Edit. Estampa
RANCIÈRE, J. (2014). As palavras da História. Ensaio de poética do saber. Lisboa: Ed unipop
ROSAS, F. (2016). "História, (des)memória e hegemonia" in História e Memória,…Lisboa: Tinta-da-China, p. 41-81.
SAMARAN, C. (dir.), (1961) L’Histoire et ses méthodes, Paris, Gallimard..
Teaching method
Class teaching
40 % theoretical and 60% practical classes . The practical classes will consist of:
Theoretical information questioning, study visits to libraries and archives of different nature. Visits to museums, monuments or other historical places.
The importance of sources other than the written, such as iconography, objects, archaeological artefacts, oral testimonies , etc., is reinforced. Theoretical classes will seek, based on practical examples, to make students aware of the importance of Methodology as a guarantee of the scientific character of the historiographic text.
Evaluation method
Bibliographic notes and reading reviews(40%), Class assessment (30%), Reflection on historical sources and historian's work (30%)
Subject matter
1. History between theory and practice: an introduction ;
2. The importance of the historical method . General notions;
3. The organization of scientific work: planning, structure, quotes, bibliography. Characteristics of a critical review, of an essay and of a thesis;
4. Heuristics: conditions and good practice for identification and selection of historical sources;
5. The diversity of historical sources and how to work on them;
6. The historical criticism . The external and internal criticism;
7. Building narratives: Plots, truth and fiction ;
8. Oral historical testimonies. Present time history. Biographical approaches.