

Available soon

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Carlos Cristian Rodriguez Rellan


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Available soon


- BOYD, R.; SILK, J.B. (2009). How humans evolved (5th ed.). New York: W.W. Norton. ANT 1227 (UNLFCSH/BMSC) – 57707
- CHAMPION, T. et al. (1998). Prehistoria de Europa. Barcelona: Crítica. BJC 280 (UNLFCSH/BMSC) - 297JC
- CUNLIFFE, B. W. (Ed.). (1994). The Oxford illustrated prehistory of Europe. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
- LÓPEZ GARCÍA, P. (Coord.). (2017). La Prehistoria en la Península Ibérica. Madrid: Itsmo.
- RENFREW, C.; BAHN, P. G. (2013). Archaeology: The Key Concepts. London: Routledge.
- RENFREW, C.; BAHN, P. G. (2016). Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice (7th ed.). London: Thames e Hudson. ARQ REF 4 (UNLFCSH) – 64480
- SCARRE, C. (Ed.). (2013). The human past: World prehistory and the development of human societies (3rd ed.). New York: Thames  Hudson.  ARQ REF 13 (UNLFCSH/BMSC) – 64484
- SHAW, I; JAMESON, R. (Eds) (1999). A dictionary of archaeA dictionary of archaeology. Oxford: Blackwell.

Teaching method

Lectures supported by audiovisual resources that will help to reinforce the contents of the course unit. Visits to museums as supplement to the lectures given in class.

Evaluation method

two individual and in-person written test(100%)

Subject matter

1. Introduction:
1.1. Prehistory: key concepts
1.2. Archaeology as a tool of knowledge about the past
1.3. Periodization, chronologies and palaeo-environments.
2. Hominization:
2.1. The human evolution: from the first hominids to the genus Homo
2.2. Neanderthals and Anatomically modern humans
3. Holocene hunter-gatherers:
3.1. Environmental and social transitions
3.2. Technology, social organization and subsistence
4. First agro-pastoral communities
4.1. Neolithic and Neolitization
4.2. Technology, social organization and subsistence
4.3. Landscape monumentalization: the megaliths
4.4. The development of metallurgy and the beginning of the Metal Ages


Programs where the course is taught: