The History of the Printed Book
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General characterization
Responsible teacher
João José Alves Dias
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 168
Teaching language
Anselmo, Artur – Estudos de história do livro, Lisboa, Guimarães Editores, 1997
----------------------, Origens da imprensa em Portugal, Lisboa, Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda, 1981
Bouza Álavres, Fernando J. – Del escribano a la Biblioteca, Madrid, Editorial sintesis, 1992
Dias, João José Alves – Craesbeeck: Uma dinastia de impressores em Portugal, Lisboa, APLA, 1996
--------------------------- Iniciação à Bibliofilia, Lisboa, Pró-Associação Portuguesa de Alfarrabistas, 1994
Furtado, José Afonso – O Livro, Lisboa, Difusão Cultural, 1995
Martínez de Sousa, José – Pequena Historia del libro, Barcelona, Ed. Labor, 1992.
McMurtrie, Douglas – O livro: Impressão e Fabrico, Lisboa, FCG, 1969
Saraiva, António José – História da Cultura em Portugal, 3 vols., Lisboa, 1950-52
Teaching method
Theoretical-practical classes where the students make contact with the books while following the professor’s exposition
and practical classes where the exposed subjects are learnt, commented and analyzed.
Evaluation method
developing an assignment with a practical case where the researched data are interpreted(40%), student’s participation on the resolution of the presented exercises, assiduity and participations during the classes and at the course’s blog(20%), written test(40%)
Subject matter
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