History of Colonial Art


Students should be able to:
a) recognize the most relevant works and related most of the remainder to their production contexts
b) understand the production contexts of the works covered in class
c) understand the circulation circuits and the modes of consumption of the works covered in class
d) to relate the works covered in class with the cultural, political, economic and social contexts that presided over their production, circulation and reception
e) to relate the works covered in class with the attending European problems

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Nuno de Carvalho Conde Senos


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



Non Applicable


- Bethencourt, Francisco e Kirti Chaudhuri, eds. História da Expansão Portuguesa (vols. 1 a 3). Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 1998 (capítulos de Rafael Moreira e Alexandra Curvelo sobre arte colonial)
- Dias, Pedro, História da Arte Portuguesa no Mundo. 1415-1822 (2 vols.), Lisboa, Círculo de Leitores, 1998.
- Encompassing the Globe. Portugal e o Mundo nos Séculos XVI e XVII, cat. exp. Lisboa: Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga, 2009 (versão norte-americana do catálogo com algumas diferenças)
- Sobral, Luís de Moura. “A expansão das artes: transferências, contaminações, inovações” in Francisco Bethencourt e Diogo Ramada Curto, eds. A Expansão Marítima Portuguesa, 1400-1800. Lisboa: Eds. 70, 2010, pp. 403-468 (ed. orig. Cambridge University Press, 2007, pp. 390-459).

Teaching method

Classes follow a lecture format combined with image discussion on the basis of the suggested bibliography. In-class teaching will be supplemented with museum and gallery tours. Materials such as ppts and texts will be made available on moodle.

Evaluation method

a final exam (35%), and class participation (10%). (45%), a midterm exam(20%), one short paper(35%)

Subject matter

1. Military architecture: the case of Morocco
2. Ivories from the Gulf of Guinea
3. India
a. The decorative arts
b. Religious architecture
4. West Africa
5. Japan: nambam and kirishtan art
6. China: Macao and the connections to the Spanish empire
7. Brazil
a. The arts of the sugar cycle
b. The arts of the gold cycle
c. Beyond Minas: Rio and the Northeast
8. Art consumption in the early modern age
9. Depicting otherness
10. Violence and Empire
11. Celebration the Empire


Programs where the course is taught: