Technical-Scientific Translation Practice (English to Portuguese)


a)To develop linguistic and terminological proficiency in specialized translation;
b)To develop skills in technical and scientific translation and revision (checking, revision, proofreading and editing);
c)To make oneself acquainted with terminological research techniques; generation and management of terminological resources with the help of specific software (including CAT tools);
d)To develop technical and scientific translation practice;
e)To identify technical and scientific translation problems;
f)To learn and apply troubleshooting strategies;
g)To evaluate the relevance of cultural contexts;
h)To plan and manage translation projects individually and collaboratively.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Hanna Marta Pieta Candido


Weekly - 4

Total - 168

Teaching language



English language competence corresponding to level B2.2.


1. Byrne, Jody (2006). Technical Translation: Usability Strategies for Translating Technical Documentation. The Netherlands: Springer.
2. Byrne, Jody (2012). Scientific and Technical Translation Explained: a Nuts and Bolts Guide for Beginners. Manchester, UK & Northampton, MA: St. Jerome.
3. Wright, Sue Ellen and Leland D. Wright Jr. (1993). Scientific and Technical Translation. Amsterdam/ Philadelphia: John Benjamins.
4. Cavaco-Cruz, Luís (2012). Manual prático e fundamental de tradução técnica. Independence: Arkonte.
5. Hargis, Gretchen (1998). Developing Quality Technical Information: A Handbook for Writers and Editors. New Jersey: Prentice Hall PTR.
6. Chabner, Davi-Ellen (2011). The Language of Medicine. 9th edition. Saint-Louis, Missouri: Saunders/Elsevier.
7. Dawkins, Richard (2009). The Oxford Book of Modern Science Writing. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Teaching method

The methodology will be predominantly learner-centred and activity oriented since the main expected outcomes are of a practical nature. The acquisition of skills in these areas of translation will be based on four strategies: the presentation of text samples whose analysis will lead students to make inferences, discuss hypotheses and reach conclusions regarding the features of each text type; the promotion of peer discussion regarding translation choices and strategies; the assignment of translation tasks to be carried out either individually or in pairs; and finally the discussion of the results of each student´s/pair´s work. Lecture will be a strategy used only to convey information or explain terms or concepts that the students cannot understand through experiential learning and reading assignments. 

Evaluation method

2 written classroom tests(50%), oral participation in classroom activities(20%), weekly or bimonthly writing assignments(30%)

Subject matter

a)Introduction to technical translation;
b)Translation project workflow;
c)Technical and Scientific areas: Ecology, Biology, Law, Medicine and IT;
d)Technical and Scientific translator’s competences;
e)Terminological research and management methodologies and CAT tools;
f)Intensive practice of different specialized subjects and genres;
g)Identification of textual characteristics and specific problems associated with technical and scientific translation;
h)Paratextual analysis of translations;
i)Cultural translation/translation culture, ideology and science.


Programs where the course is taught: