Power and Society
LO1. To learn, question and use the key-concepts on Power and Society, within political anthropology ;
LO2. To develop critical insights on political anthropology, power and society, through critical reading of contemporary bibliographical references;
LO3. To improve oral and written competences and individual or team work;
LO4. To incorporate the seminar/course issues and debates in field works coordinated by the Professor
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Paula Cristina Antunes Godinho
Weekly - 4
Total - 168
Teaching language
Available soon
FOWERAKER, Joe (1995) Theorizing Social Movements, London and Boulder, Pluto Press.
GLEDHILL, John (2000) Power and its Disguises: Anthropological Perspectives on Politics, London, Pluto.
GODINHO, Paula (2011) «Oír o galo cantar dúas veces» -Identificacións locais, culturas das marxes e construción de nacións na fronteira entre
Portugal e Galicia, Ourense, Imprenta da Deputación
GODINHO, P.; CAIRO, H.; PEREIRO, X. coord. (2009) Portugal e Espanha – Entre discursos de centro e práticas de fronteira, Lisboa, Colibri.
NORDSTROM, C; MARTIN, J. ed. (1992) The paths to Domination, Resistance and terror, Berkeley e Los Angeles, UCP.
SCOTT, James (1985) Weapons of the weak - Everyday Forms of Peasant Resistance, New Haven and London, Yale University Press.
idem (2009) The Art of Not Being Governed, New Haven and London, Yale University Press.
WOLF, Eric (1999) Envisioning Power, Berkeley/Los Angeles/London, University of Californ
Teaching method
The course is divided into theoretical and theoretical-practical lectures (by the professor and guests), seminars and film exhibitions
During the course, students must develop several skills and competences based on Learning Objectives. Different teaching-learning
methodologies will be used to achieve those objectives.
Methodologies of teaching-learning:
1. Expository, to present the theoretical frames of reference
2. Participatory ,with collective seminar debates
3. Active, with individual and team presentations
4. Self-Learning - autonomous work
Evaluation method
and a written essay (60%), attendance and participation(15%), presentation of a text(25%)
Subject matter
P1. Introduction: powers and societies
P2. Centres of power and the power at the margins
P3. Routines and «when History accelerates»
P4. Memory and power