Performing Arts for Infants and Toddlers


The Performing Arts for Infants and Toddlers unit aims to:

1. Acquire knowledge related to artistic creations for children produced in national and international context;

2. Develop expressive skills integrating voice and movement;

3. Deepen listening, observation, empathy and human interaction skills;

4. Acquire skills relevant to musical performance in the field of art for children;

5. Experiment with different artistic materials and test creativity.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Helena Maria Ferreira Rodrigues da Silva


Weekly - 3

Total - 280

Teaching language



Not applicable.


Daniel, S. & Trevarthen, T. (Eds). Rhythms of relating in children’s therapies. London and Philadelphia: Jessica Kingsley Publishers.
Drury, R. C. & Fletcher-Watson, B. (2017). The infant audience: The impact and implications of child development research on performing arts practice for the very young. Journal of Early Childhood Research, 15(3), 292-304.
Hovik, L. (2018) Artistic research in theatre for early years: Methodological movements in Mum’s Dancing. Qualitative Inquiry, 25 (1), 1-10.
Rancière, J. (2010). O Espectador Emancipado, Lisboa: Orfeu Negro.
Rodrigues, H., Rodrigues, P. M. & Nunes, P. (2003). Andakibebé. Porto: Campo das Letras (livro e vídeo).
Santos, J.; Lobo, P. (2009). É através da via emocional que a criança apreende o mundo exterior. Lisboa: Assírio & Alvim.
Trehub, S. E. (2003). The developmental origins of musicality. Nature Neuroscience, 6, 669-673.

Teaching method

Theoretical-practical lessons. Some classes will include viewing diverse examples in the field of art for children, combining reflection and practice. Immersive learning experiences will be provided. Strategies will be adopted to encourage cooperation between students with different profiles, alternating activities in the field of artistic creation and research. The personal and artistic development of each student will be a priority.

Evaluation method

Participation in classes and preparation of Logbooks related to the work done in them.(20%), Presentation of a video excerpt (1 to 2 minutes) documenting a form of artistic interaction with a child aged between 0 and 5 years old. (The collection and editing of this video must be done in group work with one, two or three colleagues) .(80%)

Subject matter

I. Art for childhood (s): Conceptual and performative vocabulary

  • Informal educational practices in the family and games of oral tradition. Examples of musical repertoire, artistic creations for children produced in national and international context.

II. Art for childhood (s): Psychological, social and aesthetic dynamics

  • Practical work based on the observation of behaviors of the educational resource “Afinação do Olhar”. Immersive experiences and personal development.

III. Art for childhood (s): Creation and experimentation

  • Research of multisensory aesthetic approaches. Exploration of artistic resources aimed at creating moments of artistic interaction with children.

IV. Art for childhood (s): Theory and research

  • Systemic approach to education as a source of inspiration for artistic intervention. Therapeutic effects of Music and art therapy as sources of inspiration for artistic intervention. Ecological models of behavior observation.