Research Lab I: Behavioral observation
The Research Lab I curricular unit to intends to provide students with skills in the analysis of artistic performances for children. The interdisciplinary link will be explored, using the videos of the practical works presented in the curricular unit of the 1st semester Performing Arts for Infants and Toddlers. The aim is to articulate artistic intervention with investigation by observing children's behavior in the context of performance. the course unit has the following objectives:
- To acquire knowledge regarding the observation of behaviors;
- To use an observation software;
- To develop behavioral observation skills in childhood;
- To acquire knowledge regarding behavioral coding;
- To analyze and interpret results of behavior coding.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Mariana Barreiro Vences
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 140
Teaching language
Not applicable.
Martin, P., & Bateson, P. (2007). Measuring Behaviour: An Introdution Guide (3rd ed.). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ Press.
Dissanayake, E. (2017). Ethology, Interpersonal Neurobiology, and Play Insights into the Evolutionary Origin of the Arts. American Journal of Play, 9(2), 143–168.
Haynes, S. N. & O’Brien, W. H. (2000). Principles and practice of behavioral assessment. New York: Kluwer.
Tashakkori, A., & Teddlie, C. (2010). Handbook of mixed methods in social and behavioral research (2nd Ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Teaching method
Laboratory-practical classes, with illustration and application of concepts through research conducted at the Laboratory of Music and Communication in Childhood (LAMCI - CESEM) related to artistic performances.
Evaluation method
Individual assignment to be delivered at the end of the semester.(40%), Oral presentation related to the analysis of an excerpt from a video of na artistic performance made in the Performig Arts for Infants and Toddlers curricular unit.(60%)
Subject matter
I. Introduction to the concepts and principles of behavior analysis:
- Concept and definitions. Observation of childhood behaviors.
II. Measures and experimental design in behavior analysis:
- Observation measures. Experimental draw.
III. Behavior coding:
- Observation software;
- Observation schemes;
- Training of coders. Inter-coder reliability;
- Coding validity. Analysis of real examples;
- Selection, grouping and analysis of observation data;
- Graphical representation and statistical procedures;
- Creating reports.
Programs where the course is taught: