Sustainable Mobility and Transports


The principal objective of this course is to elaborate and give the students a set of concepts, methods and techniques that enable the student to analyze the role of the transports and of the mobility of people and goods in the spatial organization, in the urban form and in the sustainable development of the urban agglomerations. There will be made the revision of the strategic
orientations and of the national and EU policies about this subject as well as of the methodological orientations for the sustainable mobility. The best practices in sustainable accessibility and mobility will be emphasized. It is intended to put the student in a position to realize analyses and diagnostics and to propose measures in order to improve the mobility, the public space, the transport networks and the efficient and sustainable functioning of the urban tissues.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João António Muralha Ribeiro Farinha


Weekly - Available soon

Total - 168

Teaching language





•Cities for People – Jan Gehl; Gehl Architects—Urban Quality Consultants; 2010.
•From City’s Station to Station City – An Integrative Approach to the (Re)Development of Station Areas; Ana Conceição; Tese de
Doutoramento na Universidade de Delft, Holanda, 2015.
•Guidelines. Developing and Implementing a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan. ELTIS; European Union, 2013
•IMTT – Pacote de Mobilidade – Território, Acessibilidade e Gestão da Mobilidade - Coleção de Brochuras Técnicas/Temáticas;
Lisboa 2011.
•Livro Verde - Por uma Nova Cultura de Mobilidade Urbana; Comissão das Comunidades Europeias COM(2007) 551 final;
Bruxelas, 2007
•Manual for Streets; Published by Thomas Telford Publishing for the Department for Transport; UK, 2007
•Planning and Design for Sustainable Urban Mobility; United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat); 2013.
•Projeto Mobilidade Sustentável – Volumes 1 e 2; Ed. Agência Portuguesa de Ambiente; Amadora, 2010.

Teaching method

Exposition of the theoretical and practical contents by means of slides projected by the professor. Discussion in groups about crucial themes. Analysis of case studies. Exercises of application of techniques and methods in practical lessons. Field studies.
Individual works on special themes. Team works about audits in sustainability of a urban space in the city of Lisbon.

Evaluation method

Written team work with oral presentation(40%), Individual work(30%), The student's active participation during the lessons and in the realization of practical exercises(30%)

Subject matter

1. Introduction: Mobility, environment and territorial planning
2. Externalities
3. Planning of the mobility
4. Management of the mobility and parking
5. The road as a place for socialization and movement
6. Pedestrians
7. Public transports
8. Bicycles
9. Individual transport


Programs where the course is taught: