History of Private Life in the Middle Ages
1)To discuss the concept of \"private life\" in the Middle Ages;
2) To know the bibliography on the subject;
3) To analyse the main aspects of the \"private life\", using the right concepts to its study
4) To be able to do research works on the subject.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Bernardo João da Silveira de Vasconcelos e Sousa
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
Available soon
- ARIÈS, Philippe, A Criança e a Vida Familiar no Antigo Regime, Lisboa, Relógio d´Água, 1988;
- BERNOS, Marcel, LÉCRIVAIN, Philippe, RONCIÈRE, Charles de la, GUYNON, Jean, O Fruto Proibido, Lisboa, Edições 70, 1991;
- COELHO, Maria Helena da Cruz, \"A VIda Quotidiana Medieval Portuguesa. Percurso Historiográfico\", Imago Temporis. Medium Aevum, IX, 2015, pp. 343-359;
- História da Vida Privada, dir. de Philippe Ariès e Georges Duby, 2-Da Europa Feudal ao Renascimento, dir. de G. Duby, s.l., Afrontamento, 1990
-História da Vida Privada en Portugal, dir. de José Mattoso, A Idade Média, coord. de Bernardo Vasconcelos e Sousa, Lisboa, Temas e Debates/Círculo de Leitores, 2010
- MARQUES, A. H. de Oliveira, A Sociedade Medieval Portuguesa. Aspectos da Vida Quotidiana, 4ª ed., Lisboa, Sá da Costa, 1981
Teaching method
- 50% of theoretical classes (oral explanation of the syllabus)
- 50% practical classes (classroom analysis and debate of historiographical texts and historical sources; oral presentations by the students, commented by the teacher)
Evaluation method
An essay (about 10 pages) on an historiographical text (70%), Oral presentation in classroom of one item of the syllabus(30%)
Subject matter
1. The concept of \"private life\" in the MIddle Ages
2. Private life and daily life
3. Main aspects of private life in the Middle Ages: spaces and places; the body; personal piety; memories
Programs where the course is taught: