History Didactics I
- Relating History as a science to History as a course.
- Analysing official documents - National Curriculum of Primary Education (1st and 2nd cycles) and Lower Secondary Education (3rd cycle) and Upper Secondary Education, History syllabuses and Teaching Objectives in History and how they relate to classroom work.
- Developing different teaching methods, adapted to the syllabuses and essential competences/skills to the course, to school and student diversity, as well as the allotted weekly contact hours.
- Developing analytical and critical thinking on methodologies, resources and lesson plans.
- Development of different types of materials
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Raquel Pereira Henriques
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
Available soon
BARCA, Isabel (organização) (2004). Para uma Educação Histórica de Qualidade, Actas das IV Jornadas Internacionais de Educação Histórica, Braga: Universidade do Minho.
GAGO, Marília (2009). Uso(s) e «utilidades» da narrativa histórica na aula: um olhar de professores acerca da aprendizagem dos estudantes, in Maria Auxiliadora Schmidt e Isabel Barca (Org.), Aprender História: Perspectivas da Educação Histórica. Rio Grande do Sul: Ed. Unijuí, pp. 175-196.
HENRIQUES, Raquel Pereira (2010). Discursos legais e práticas educativas. Ser professor e ensinar História (1947-1974). Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian/Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia.
NÓVOA, António (2009). Professores. Imagens do futuro presente. Lisboa: Educa.
PERRENOUD, Philippe (2001). Porquê construir competências a partir da escola? Porto: Edições ASA.
ROLDÃO, Maria do Céu (2010). Estratégias de ensino: o saber e o agir do professor. V. N. Gaia: Fundação Manuel Leão.
Teaching method
Lectures (50%) and tutorials (50%). Tutorials consist of:
Critical analysis of theoretical information, laws and teaching materials
Development of lesson plans and required teaching materials
Evaluation method
Classroom work(10%), Individual or group work: developing a joint study trip(30%), Individual work. Presentation of a methodology to be used in a teaching context and the relevant materials for that/those lesson(s) or Development of a lesson plan for two 90-minute lessons, including the relevant materials(60%)
Subject matter
1. From history to the teaching of History
2. Developing essential competences/skills in History
3. How History is included in the National Curriculum. Teaching organisation and management.
Learning progress - knowledge and working methods
4. History teaching methodologies
- Activities and resources adapted to different scientific contents
- Different teaching methods and autonomous learning. Historical awareness and workshops
- Analysis of school manuals
5. Analytical thinking on different types of materials (resources and lesson plans)
Programs where the course is taught: