Monitoring Seminar of Supervised Teaching Practice in History Teaching
a) Demonstrate the ability to research and read relevant literature.
b) Demonstrate the ability of relating and articulating concepts and readings with ones educational experience.
c) Demonstrate critical analysis skills.
d) Display learning and openness to change through a process of reflective thinking.
e) Contribute ethically to the creation of a responsible working atmosphere within ones group.
f) Master the global organization of the text displaying coherence.
g) Write in appropriate scholarly style, respecting quotation and bibliographic referencing norms.
h) Write with objectivity, concision and fluency, correctly using gramar and spelling rules.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Raquel Pereira Henriques
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 140
Teaching language
Available soon
CEIA, Carlos (2012). Normas para Apresentação de Trabalhos Científicos, 9ª ed. Lisboa: Editorial Presença.
ESTRELA, Albano (2001). Investigação em Educação: Métodos e Técnicas, Lisboa: Educa.
FABB, Nigel and Durant, Alan (2005). How to Write Essays and Dissertations. Harlow: Pearson Education.
LAMAS, Estela (coord.) (2001). Dicionário de Metalinguagens da Didáctica. Porto: Porto Editora.
McNIFF, Jean. (2002). Action Research: Principles and Practice. London: Routledge.
NÓVOA, António (2005). Evidentemente. Histórias da Educação. 2ª ed.. Porto: ASA Editores.
Teaching method
Presentation and discussion of issues and problems of research in Education and in History. Analysis of research projects and case studies, critical and reflexive analysis of the proposed research and the practice of teaching and learning of History.
Monitoring individual and small group development work drafting the chapter report.
Evaluation method
Continuous evaluation. Theoretically grounded wording of the introduction or a chapter of the report.(100%)
Subject matter
a) Educational research methodologies.
b) Research in History and in Geography.
c) Research questions and objectives.
d) Data collection and analysis; presentation and discussion of results.
e) Searching, synthesizing, summarizing and critiquing bibliography.
f) Textual organization and planning.
Programs where the course is taught: