Organization of Educational Projects in History
. Analyse educational projects developed in schools . Know the internal rules of school . Share different work experiences . To promote the link between teaching theory and practice . Design materials to be used during their teacher training programme . Reflect on various uses of historical knowledge and its practical application . How to build a personal training projectHow to build a personal training project
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Raquel Pereira Henriques
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 280
Teaching language
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CABRAL, C. B. (2011). Património cultural imaterial. Lisboa: Ed. 70. CALAF MASACHS, R. (2008). Didáctica del Patrimonio epistemologia, metodologia y estudio de casos. Gijón: Edic Trea. COMA QUINTANA, L.; SANTACANA I MESTRE, J. (2010). Ciudad educadora y patrimonio. Cookbook of heritage. Gijón: Edic Trea. FERNANDES, D. (2008). Avaliação do desempenho docente: desafios, problemas e oportunidades. Cacém: Texto Edit. LEITE, C.; GOMES, L. e FERNANDES, P. (2001). Projectos curriculares de escola e turma. Conceber, gerir e avaliar. Porto: Ed ASA. LIMA, L. C. (2011). Administração escolar: estudos. Porto: Porto Ed. MALHEIRO, A. Mª P. (2010). A Baixa-Chiado: uma sala de aula dinâmica e interdisciplinar. Proposta de interação com o público escolar. Lisboa: UNL/FCSH. MARTINS, G. O. (2009). Património, herança e memória. A cultura como criação. Lisboa: Gradiva. MONTEIRO, M. M. (2007). Área de Projecto. Porto: Porto Ed. PINTO, H.(2016). Educação histórica e patrimonial Porto: CITCEM.
Teaching method
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Evaluation method
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Subject matter
1. Structuring documents for schools 2. Build a personal training project 3. Conceiving a educational project for specific individual students or for specific schools 4. Transversalities . Use Heritage and Local and Regional History . The school goes to the museum . Educational use of heritage . The toponymy and statuary: didactic exploration . Objects and economic activities: didactic examples of application . Education for Citizenship 5. The discipline of History in differentiated curriculum offer
Programs where the course is taught: