Geography Didactics I
a) Understanding the importance of geographical education to the personal and social development;
b) Relating mental development and learning geographical;
c) Analyzing the importance given to geography in recent curriculum reforms;
d) Analyzing textbooks and official documents, including Geography syllabuses and Teaching Geography Programs and Curriculum Goals, and how they relate to classroom work
e) Developing teaching methods adapted to the syllabuses and essential competences/skills to the course, to school and student diversity, as well as the allotted weekly contact hours
f) Developing analytical and critical thinking on methodologies, resources and lesson plans
g) Development of different types of materials
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Fernando Manuel da Silva Alexandre
Weekly - 3
Total - 280
Teaching language
AAVV; Educação Geográfica. Inforgeo 15, Associação Portuguesa de Geógrafos, 2000.
BAILEY, P.; FOX, P. (Ed.); Geography Teachers' Handbook, Shefield: The Geographical Association, 1996.
KENT, A. (Ed.); Reflexive Practice in Geography Teaching. Londres: Paul Chapman, 2001.
ROLDÃO, Maria do Céu; Estratégias de ensino: o saber e o agir do professor. V. N. Gaia: Fundação Manuel Leão, 2010.
SOUTO GONZÁLEZ, Xosé Manuel; Didáctica de la Geografia. Problemas sociales y conocimiento del médio, Ed. del Serbal, 1998.
Teaching method
The classes are divided in a first theoretical part, then another more practical where students have the opportunity to: reflect critically on various documents and materials to use in the classroom, preparing teaching materials; solving exercises, individual and / or group, and make oral presentations.
Evaluation method
Classroom work (20%), Individual or group work: developing a joint study trip(30%), Individual work. Presentation of a methodology to be used in a teaching context and the relevant materials for that/those lesson(s) or Development of a lesson plan for two 90-minute lessons, including the relevant materials(50%)
Subject matter
Part I: The Geography as a discipline curriculum.
1.1. Values education Geographic;
1.2. Relationships between mental and geographical capabilities;
1.3. Curriculum guidelines and programs of Geography, 7th to 12th years of schooling;
1.4. Recent trends in the teaching of the discipline.
Part II: Resources and strategies in the teaching - learning of Geography.
2.1. Development and implementation of teaching resources;
2.2. Selection and organization strategies and activities for teaching - learning;
2.3. Fieldwork;
2.4. Simulations and games;
2.5. Maps and charts;
2.6. Media.
Part III: Planning the teaching - learning process.
3.1. Programming in Geography;
3.2. Annual planning of didactic unit and lesson;
3.3. Thematic contents and main procedures in Geography
Programs where the course is taught: