Supervised Teaching Practice II
a) To apply scientific, pedagogical, didactic and methodological knowledge when defining, managing and evaluating curricular guidelines and pedagogical practices in teaching English to young learners.
b) To employ the knowledge and skills acquired within the scope of educational methodology and research (transversal across FL methodology and education) to the planning,teaching and evaluation of English classes.
c) To promote the development of innovative pedgogical and methodological practices.
d) To apply principles and modes of assessment and to identify assessment objectives
e) To develop the ability to take reflective and justifiable decisions.
f) To relate the formative, reflective, research dimensions with the activity of the EFL educator.
g) To put into practice their action research project.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Carolyn Elizabeth Leslie
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 504
Teaching language
Available soon
Cameron, L. (2014). Teaching Languages to Young Learners. CUP.
Cameron, L., & McKay, P. (2010). Bringing Creative Teaching into the Young Learner Classroom. Oxford University Press.
Cave, S. (2010). Practising Modern Foreign Languages in the Primary Classroom. Brilliant Publications.
Garton, S., & Copland, F. (Eds.).(2019). The Routledge handbook of teaching English.Routledge.
Johnson, K., & Golombek, P. (2011). Research on Second Language Teacher Education. Routledge.
Kelly, M. et al. (2004). European Profile for Language Teacher Education. A Frame of Reference. Council of Europe.
Pinter, A. (2006). Teaching Young Language Learners. Oxford University Press
Vieira, F., & Moreira, M. (2008). Reflective teacher education towards learner autonomy: Building a culture of possibility. In M. Raya and T. Lamb (Eds.),
Pedagogy for Autonomy in Language Education: Theory, Practice and Teacher Education. Authentik, pp.266-282
Teaching method
The construction of the teaching profession develops within an approach that aims at promoting critical thought and reflective skills in articulation with a methodology of ´learning by doing´ in Schön´s words, without losing sight of the research dimension. Teacher training supervision is to be developed in an instructive, collaborative and reflective perspective and should lead to a reflection on the teaching process and professional and personal development open to innovation and transformation.
Formative and summative assessment and evaluation of all the work produced within the teacher training experience (PES I).
Evaluation method
Cooperating teacher assessment (Assessment of planning and teaching, 55%; professional knowledge, 15%; communication in the classroom and reflection, 20%; professional values and commitment, 10%).(65%), University supervisor assessment (Assessment of planning 50%, assessment of reflection, 50%)(35%)
Subject matter
a) Practical implementation of the English syllabus for the 1st cycle.
b) Planning and teaching lessons and sequences of lessons.
c) Adapting teaching approaches to the educational context and individual needs of young learners.
d) Critical evaluation, development and practical application of teaching materials and resources.
e) Assessment for learning in primary education
f) Reflective practice and self-assessment
g) The ethical construction of the teaching profession.
h) To carry out a small-scale action research project and write a scientific report on this study.