Curriculum, Teaching and Evaluation
This program has the following learning outcomes:
1) Identify and define curriculum theories;
2) Identify practices of curricular differentiation from a historical perspective and its relation with educational inequalities or equity;
3) Apply models of curricular development at the macro, meso and micro levels;
4) Analyze, evaluate and design curricular policies in a comparative perspective, at the macro (national and international policies), meso (regional and municipal policies) and micro (local policies and practices and school dynamics) scales of intervention;
5) Apply models of evaluation of curriculum development at the macro, meso and micro levels;
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Sílvia Maria Cândido de Almeida
Weekly - 3
Total - 140
Teaching language
Available soon
Bernstein, B. (2000). Pedagogy, symbolic control and identity: Theory, research, critique (rev. ed.). London: Rowman & Littlefield.
Bernstein, B. (1990). Class, codes and control: Volume IV, The structuring of pedagogic discourse. London: Routledge.
Gaspar, M. I. & Roldão, M. C. (2007). Elementos do desenvolvimento curricular. Lisboa: Universidade Aberta
Pelletier, G. (Org.) (2001). Autonomie et décentralisation en éducation : entre projet et évaluation. Montréal: AFIDES.
Stufflebeam, D. L. & Coryn, C. L. (2014). Evaluation theory, models, and applications (2nd Edition). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Young, M. (2011). Curriculum Policies for a Knowledge Society? In Yates, Lyn & Grumet, Madeleine (Eds). World Yearbook of Education 2011: Curriculum in Today’s World: Configuring Knowledge, Identities, Work and Politics (pp. 125-138). London: Routledge.
Teaching method
The teaching methods used will be expositive, demonstrative, interrogative and active.
Evaluation method
Available soon
Subject matter
Curriculum or Curriculum Theories:
1.2 What is the curriculum?
1.2.1 Curriculum theories: the technical, practical and critical theories
1.2.2 Sociology of the curriculum. Young: "curriculum as fact" and "curriculum as practice"
1.2.3 Bernstein: pedagogical discourse
1.2.4 Socio-historical perspective of the curriculum: Goodson
2. Curriculum development: concept, levels, phases, models
2.1 Concept of curricular development and phases
2.2 Levels of curriculum development
2.2.1 Macro level: Curricular autonomy policies: history, current affairs
2.2.2 Influence of international policies
2.2.3 Meso level: projects of the school institution
2.2.4 Micro level: curricular action
2.3 Differentiation and curriculum development
2.4 Models of Curriculum Development
3. Curriculum development: Evaluation
3.1 Regulation and verification of student learning
3.1.2 Learning assessment tools
3.2 Regulation of the curriculum development
3.2.1 Curriculum evaluation models