Feminist and gender theories and LGBTIQ + studies, social movements
At the end of this course, the student should be able:
• Understand a range of Feminist and gender theories and LGBTIQ + studies;
• Understand the main ideas presented by seminal authors, such as Michel Foucault, Judith Butler, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick;
• Critically explore current research on intersections of gender and sexuality;
• Utilise Feminist and gender theories and LGBTIQ + studies to examine contemporary issues;
• Apply theoretical considerations to understand their everyday worlds, developing their critical thinking about their daily lives and structures of power;
• Demonstrate analytical skills including the articulation of theoretical concepts and ideas, critical awareness and thinking;
• Synthesise the arguments from published research on a particular debate in a concise and precise manner in written form;
• Manage their own learning so as to make appropriate use of a full range of available resources.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Fernando da Cunha Tavares Cascais
Weekly - Available soon
Total - 224
Teaching language
Available soon
Browne, Kath; Lim, Jason; Brown, Gavin (2007), Geographies of Sexualities: Theories, practices and politics. London: Ashgate;
Browne, Kath, Ferreira, Eduarda (2015). Lesbian Geographies: Gender, Place and Power. London: Ashgate;
Butler, Judith (2017), Problemas de género. Lisboa: Orfeu Negro;
Butler, Judith (1993), Bodies That Matter. On the Discursive Limits of “Sex”. New York & London: Routledge; Cascais, António Fernando (2016), “O queering como metodologia de crítica cultural”, in Urbano Sidoncha e Catarina
Moura (orgs.), Culturas em movimento. Livro de Atas do I Congresso Internacional sobre Cultura. Covilhã: Editora LabCom.IFP, pp. 541-552;
Cascais, António Fernando (2016), “Psicanálise, linguagem e performatividade de género”, in Isabel Henriques de Jesus, Paula Gomes Ribeiro, Rita Mira e Zília Osório de Castro (coords.), Falar de mulheres – Dez Anos depois. Vila Nova de Famalicão: Edições Húmus, pp. 211-228.
Teaching method
Theoretical classes. Presentation of the subject by the teachers. Theoretical/practical classes.
Evaluation method
Concept map of the individual reflection(20%), Oral presentation in class of the individual reflection (20%), Written individual reflection paper (12-15 pages)(60%)
Subject matter
I Michel Foucault: The dispositif of sexuality
II Teoria queer - Judith Butler: Gender performativity
III Teoria queer - Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick: Queer performativity
IV Current research on issues related to gender and sexuality intersections
V Transformations in the social relations of gender and in the values and representations associated with sexuality: processes of social and political change
VI Intimacy, sexuality and citizenship: new social movements