Postgraduate Course in Historical Archivistics
Education objectives
The Post-Graduation in Historical Archivistics offers theoretical and practical training in an innovative and emerging field of knowledge that promotes an interdisciplinary approach between History, Information Science and Archival Science. It seeks to create a common, innovative and unparalleled field of study in other higher education institutions in Portugal, based on three areas that are or have been affirming themselves as particularly strong at FCSH: History, Information Management and Curation, and Historical Archivistics. This field of study will make it possible to fill the void that is increasingly felt, of a dedicated training in archival science, but refusing to return to a traditional view of this knowledge: relating it to Information Science, while valuing the contributions of Social Sciences and Humanities, namely History. On the other hand, it will be particularly beneficial for trainees from the area of History, where archival literacy is underrepresented as a training area.
It should also be noted that the option to include Archival Science in the multidisciplinary matrix of the course follows the most recent international trends, where the “Archival Science” of Anglo-Saxon matrix is a field in thriving development, with directions as important as the relationship between archives and human rights, archives and gender and ethnic equality, archives and democracy, archives and identity - and with the important characteristic that, in all these fields, the historical perspective is highly valued.
In general terms, the main objective of this course is to train specialists in the acquisition and / or deepening of knowledge that provides them with the necessary tools to understand archives – understood as memory institutions and documentary sets – as complex social, political and cultural constructions that are organically linked the historical evolution of their producing entities.
The specific skills to be developed in the Post-Graduation in Historical Archivistics comprise the following aspects, among others:
- theory and methods of Historical Archivistics;
- basic theoretical and practical training in the treatment, description and retrieval of information;
- use of digital archives and archival description tools, with particular emphasis on the examples of Digital Humanities and the
promotion of open access, citizen history, participatory archives and the so-called web 2.0;
- reflection on current themes that focus on the role of archives in a post-colonial society that aims at being democratic,
transparent and inclusive, and on the alternatives to the public and state archival model, such as community archives;
- understanding of the historical evolution of the different types of archives (state, municipal, religious, family);
- archival research methodologies;
- practical application of the previous points in the study, treatment and description of family archives.
General characterization
DGES code
Postgraduate programmes
Access to other programs
Not applicable.
Available soon
Opening date
Available soon
Available soon
Available soon
Presencial Pós-Laboral
Teaching language
Portuguese Language
Degree pre-requisites
Total credits: 60 ECTS (45 credits based in the compulsory curricular units and 15 credits to be chosen in a set of elective optionals).
(1 ECTS - European Credit Transfer System = a 28-hour workload).
Conditions of admittance
Application and access conditions to the cycle of studies reflect the conditions established in the national legislation, namely: - To hold a degree (1st cycle), or legal equivalent; - To hold a foreign academic degree recognized by the Scientific Council (SC) of NOVA FCSH; - To hold an academic, scientific or professional curriculum vitae, recognized by the Scientific Council (SC) of NOVA FCSH. Applicants will be selected and ranked according to the criteria annually defined in the application edict.
Evaluation rules
The evaluation regulation in force at the host institution is adopted. Each course unit describes the assessment methods in detail. 1) Mandatory precedence is not required for attending postgraduate courses. 2) Knowledge assessment is individual and will be carried out at the end of the academic semesters. In the assessment of knowledge, final written and / or oral tests, works or other elements of assessment carried out by students within the different curricular units will be considered under conditions to be defined by the respective teachers. The evaluation result will be expressed on a numerical scale from 0 to 20 values. 3) It is considered approved in a curricular unit the student who obtains the final classification equal or superior to 10 values.