Analysis of Structures II C
The curricular unit complements Structural Analysis I (SAI) in theory of plates and introduces basic concepts of dynamics of structures.
By completing the CU the students should be able to:
Apply the grillage methods to calculate plate bending problems.
Familiarize the students with computer modeling and illustrates the application of the appropriate methods for modeling plates.
Identify the parameters that control the structural dynamic response, acquire "engineering judgment" based on evaluation of basic characteristics of loading and of the resisting system.
Educates the student to interpret results obtained computationally and educates their "engineering judgment" when doing so.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Corneliu Cismasiu, Ildi Cismasiu
Weekly - 4
Total - 56
Teaching language
Ter obtido frequência em RM2 e AE1
Cismasiu, I., Class notes - uploaded on the web
Castro, L., Modelação de lajes com elementos de grelha, IST, 2002.
Chopra, A., Dynamics of Structures: Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering, 3rd Edition, 2007
Teaching method
The hours of contact will alternate between theoretical and practical topics, taking into account the complexity of the theoretical concepts. During the classes, theoretical subjects and reference problems are presented and discussed. Each topic presented is followed by the resolution of a larger set of problems involving a reduced complexity that can be manually solved, to give a more practical insight about theoretical concepts and encourage the students'''' initiative and their active participation. In this sense the students in a group of 2 or 3 are helped to carry out the assigned work, consisting in resolution of structural analysis problems. The consultation of bibliography and of the handouts available online via CLIP are encouraged. Individual study outside of the class attendance is stimulated and reflective thoughts on the structural functioning exercised. Analysis and problem-solving skills are assessed continuously during the classes and through unseen written examinations.
Evaluation method
Avaliação de conhecimentos 2019-2020 (em construção)
Analysis and problem-solving skills are assessed continuously during the classes and through unseen written examinations.
Subject matter
1. Theory of Plates (continues from SAI)
Review of the basic concepts of the linear elastic theory of thin plates
Modeling of plates with grillage of beams
2. Introduction to Structural Dynamics
Basic concepts of Structural Dynamics- Origin of loads, mass and structural damping
Equation of motion of single and two-degree-of-freedom systems
Time domain response of a SDOF system - free and forced vibrations
Response spectra. Relevant Eurocodes
Generalised single-degree-of-freedom systems; Rayleigh’s method;
Vibration monitoring and analysis.