Strength of Materials II


This course complements Strength of Materials I and deals with fundamental concepts of Structural Mechanics, namely plastic bending, shear, torsion, yield and failure criteria for ductile and brittle materials, and column buckling. As such, it provides knowledge to other courses on analysis and design of structural systems.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

João Carlos Gomes Rocha de Almeida


Weekly - 5

Total - 70

Teaching language



Available soon


- W. Nash; “Resistência de Materiais”, Ed. McGraw-Hill.

- V. Dias da Silva; “Mecânica e Resistência dos Materiais”, Ed. Zuari.

- F.P. Beer, E.R. Johnston, J.T. DeWolf ; “Resistência dos Materiais”, Ed. McGraw-Hill.

- C. Moura Branco; “Mecânica dos Materiais”, Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

- Timoshenko; “Mechanics of Materials”, PWS-Kent Publishing Co.

- Selected problems (available in Clip)

Teaching method

Theoretical and practical lectures, online.

Evaluation method

Two tests or final exam.

Online problems.



Subject matter

1. Plastic bending

Plastic moment. 
Plastic hinges. 
Moment redistribution. 
Evaluation of ultimate loads and collapse mechanisms. 
Interaction between axial force and bending moment in plastic domain.

2. Shear

Basic shear theory; design of connections. 
Slippage force and shear flow. 
Elastic shear stresses in mono-symmetrical sections. 
Elastic shear stresses in thin walled sections. 
Elastic strain energy due to shear; shear area. 
Shear centre.

3. Torsion

Elastic torsion in circular sections. 
Elastic torsion in thin walled sections. 
Elastic strain energy due to torsion. 
Plastic torsion.

4. Yield and failure criteria

Ductile materials: Tresca and von Mises Criteria. 
Brittle materials: Rankine and Mohr-Coulomb Criteria.

5. Buckling

Stability of equilibrium. 
Euler critical load - buckling length. 
Analysis of columns with elastic supports. 
Design to buckling according to codes and regulations.


Programs where the course is taught: