Biocatalysis and Bioremediation
The course aims at providing fundamental principles on the emerging technologies for the biodegradation of pollutants and the biotransformation of waste or by-product feedstocks into value added products, such as biomaterials, using isolated enzymes or microorganisms.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Ascenção Carvalho Fernandes Miranda Reis, Susana Filipe Barreiros
Weekly - 4
Total - 70
Teaching language
1. Biotransformation of Agricultural Waste and By-Products: The Food, Feed, Fibre, Fuel (4F) Economy, P. Poltronieri, O.F. D''''Urso (ed.), Elsevier, 2016.
2. Practical Methods for Biocatalysis and Biotransformations 3, J. Whittall, P.W. Sutton, W. Kroutil (ed.), John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2016.
3. Bioremediation and Natural Attenuation- Process Fundamentals and Mathematical Models, P.J. Alvarez, W.A. Illman (Eds), Wiley InterScience, 2006.
4. Advances in Applied Bioremediation, Singh, Ajay, Kuhad, Ramesh Chander, Ward, Owen P. (Eds.), Springer, 2009.
5. Scientific papers.
Teaching method
Seminars on relevant topics given by invited specialists.
Problem solving classes.
Laboratory classes.
Guided research on suggested topics.
Written report based on the laboratory classes, followed by discussion.
Powerpoint slide presentations.
Seminars given by the students, based on researched topics,
followed by discussion.
Evaluation method
This course comprises 2 modules: Biocatalysis, and Biorremediation.
Each module has a number of components that are rated for evaluation. To qualify for evaluation students must perform a number of activities and present/hand in all the elements listed for grading, in each case within the deadlines indicated.
Biocatalysis module – Exceptional measures, 2019-20
Student assessment will be based on a written test/exam, with a weight of 100%.
The test will be done remotely. As for the exam, we still do not know.
In any case, students can take both the test and the exam, and keep the highest grade.
Weight of each component rated for evaluation in the Bioremediation module:
Laboratory work, report and discussion - 40 %
Seminar - 25 %
Written midterm – 35 %
To pass, students must score at least 9.5 points (on a 0-20 scale) in ecah component rated for evaluation.
The grade obtained in each module, rounded off to 1 decimal place, weighs 50 % of the final grade in the Biocatalysis and Bioremediation course.
Subject matter
Examples of biotransformations carried out on an industrial scale. Advantages of nonaqueous media (NAM). More sustainable NAM. Physico-chemical aspects of biocatalysis in NAM. Medium engineering. Methodologies for obtaining new/improved enzymes.
Enzyme and cell immobilization. Biocatalytic materials. Examples of application of NAM and/or enzymes: polymer foaming/impregnation, polymer recovery from waste feedstocks, polymer synthesis and functionalization, valorization of waste biomass, CO2 conversion.
Principles of biotransformation by microorganisms (pure and mixed microbial cultures). Overview of the potential wastes (quantity and composition) to be converted into biomaterials. Microbial characterization (molecular biology). Biodegradation mechanisms (metabolism and kinetics and reactor configuration).
Emerging technologies using microorganisms for the production of biomaterials (e.g biopolymers and building blocks) and recovery of nutrients (phosphorus and nitrogen).
Programs where the course is taught: