Biotechnology and Entrepreneurship
Objectives of the course:
- deepen knowledge in the area of entrepreneurship
- exposing students to a critical view of biotechnology and science
- exposing master students to biotechnology and entrepreneurship initiatives developed
- develop written and oral skills
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Cecília Afonso Roque, Fernanda Antonia Josefa Llussá
Weekly - 2
Total - 40
Teaching language
Entrepreneurship course attendance.
R.C. Dorf & T.H. Byers, “Technology Ventures: From Idea to Enterprise”, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill Int´l Ed., 2007.
R. D. Hisrich, M.P. Peters & D.A. Shepherd, “Entrepreneurship”, 7th ed., McGraw-Hill Int´l Ed, 2007.
Osterwalder, A., Pigneur, Y., “Business Model Generation: A Handbook for Visionaries, Game Changers and Challengers”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Ed, 2010.
[SA] Spinelli, S. and Adams, R., 2011, New Venture Creation: Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century, McGraw-Hill/Irwin.
[BDN] Byers, T., et al 2010, Technology Ventures: From Idea to Enterprise, McGraw- Hill Science/Engineering/Math.
[HBS] Harvard Business School Case Studies
[B] Bhide, A., 1996, The Questions Every Entrepreneur Must Answer, Harvard Business Review.
[D06] Drucker, P., 2006, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Harper Business.
Teaching method
Available soon
Evaluation method
a) Continuous assessment
Short-reports and class participation: weight of 40% in the final grade.
In groups of two students this consists of class participation and delivery of short-reports at the end of a few sessions.
Only the grade of the four best short reports will be considered for evaluation. These may be notes eventually supplemented with material from the internet delivered on paper or sent by e-mail at the end of the class.
Individual Test: weight of 60% in the final grade where the main concepts will be evaluated.
b) Final Exam
With a weight of 100% in the final grade, it covers all the given material. Eventually, students who have done continuous assessment may improve the individual component of the test with a weight of 60% in the final grade in the final exam.
Subject matter
Week 1 - Presentation of the functioning of the UC. Relevance of the teaching of Entrepreneurship in Biotechnology.
Seminars with entrepreneurs in Biotechnology:
Dr. Alexandre Mendonça (FCT-UNL, CEO DES Solutio)
Professora Alexandra Fernandes (Nano4Global)
Professor Manuel Carrondo (IBET-UNL)
Report: Bioentrepreneurship specificities
Week 2 - “Value Creation Wheel”
“Value Creation Wheel”
Prof. Dr. Luís Filipe Lages (NovaSBE)
Dra. Margarida Dias
Report: What is the best Technology Market Transfer strategy for Scaff Pep technology in the laboratory? (mini-report to be delivered by each group at the end of the class).
Week 3 - Intellectual Property
Dra Susana Armário (INPI)
Report: IP
Week 4 - Digital Marketing, Sustentability
Report: Digital Marketing and/or Sustainability
Week 5 - Business Valuation I
Review of Financial Calculation, Project Evaluation and Accounting.
Report: Exercises
Week 6- Business Valuation II
Free Cash Flow.
How to evaluate a company.
Report: Biotec Start-up (excel sheet to be delivered by each group at the end of the class)
Week 7 - Individual Test