Reinforced Concrete II
The aim of this course is to train students in the analysis, design and detailing of beam supported slabs, flat slabs, geometric discontinuity zones in reinforced concrete elements, and in the basic concepts of pre-stressed concrete.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Manuel Pinho Ramos
Weekly - 5
Total - 76
Teaching language
To attend this course, it is recommended that students have a solid knowledge in Materials Strength, Reinforced Concrete Structures I, as well as structural analysis of slabs.
- NP-ENV1991-1:1994 - Eurocódigo 1 – Bases de projecto e acções em estruturas.
- NP-ENV1992-1-1:1991 - Eurocódigo 2 - Projecto de estruturas de betão
- REBAP - Regulamento de estruturas de betão armado e pré-esforçado, 1983.
- RSA - Regulamento de segurança e acções em estruturas de edifício e pontes, 1983.
- Tabelas Técnicas, J.S. Brasão Farinha e A.C. dos Reis, P.O.B, Setúbal, 1993.
- Apresentações das Aulas Teóricas.
Teaching method
Reinforced Concrete II has two lectures/solving problems classes each week with 2:30h each
In the lectures classes the subjects are presented and in the problem solving sessions the students solve practical problems with the guidance of the professor.
Evaluation method
The evaluation of knowledge has two components: one done by works and classroom participation of the student during the semester and the other by two tests or final exam.
1. Tests
Written tests NE = (1stT + 2ndT)/2, grade = 0 to 20 (≥ 7.5).
2. Exam
Written exam NE, grade = 0 to 20 (≥ 7.5).
3. Works and classroom participation
Problem solving sessions Ac(P) and Lectures Ac(T)
Ac = NTP x FA ≥ 7.5 valores
NTP = 0 a 20 valores
FA = 0% a 100%
4. Final Grade = 0.8 x NE + 0.2 x Ac
Students with a final grade greater than 16 must do an oral exam.
5. Remarks
In the practical classes Works will be carried out, of which will be chosen randomly some for the continuous evaluation.
The continuous evaluation Ac will be composed by the classification Works (NTP), by the attendance of the students and by the appreciation of the teacher (FA)
In the Mini-tests of Normal Evaluation Period and in the Exam of the Time of Appeal only the consultation of the Norms, of tables and of a form to be provided by the teachers is allowed.
Subject matter
1.2. Theory of plates
1.3. Slabs supported by beams
1.4. Flat slabs
2.1. Introduction
2.2. Deep beams
2.3. Zones of concentrated loads
2.4. Corbels
2.5. Foundations
3.1. Introduction
3.2. Prestress systems
3.3. Design of prestress
3.4. Losses of prestress
3.5. Ultimate Limit States
3.6. Serviceability Limit States
3.7. Hyperstatic structures
3.8. Detailing