Introduction to Materials Science and Engineering
To provide the basic knowledge of materials science and engineering, concerning the structure, properties, processing, testing applications and in-service behavior
General characterization
Responsible teacher
João Pedro Botelho Veiga
Weekly - 5
Total - 91
Teaching language
No special requirement.
Principles of Materials Science and Engineering. W. F. Smith. McGraw-Hill
Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais - Uma Introdução. W.D. Callister, D.G. Rethwisch, 8ª Edição (tradução de S.M.S. Soares), Rio de Janeiro, 2013.
Fundamentals of Materials Science and Engineering. An Integrated Approach, de William Callister Jr, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2005.
Introduction to Materials Science for Engineers, de J. F. Schackelford, MacMillan, 2nd. edition, New York, 2000.Materials Science on CD-ROM.
Teaching method
The basic concepts about structure and properties of materials are presented during the theoretical lectures in such a way that they can be dealt by the resolution of numerical problems during TP lectures which are taking place during the first 10 to 11 first weeks. These concepts are afterwards consolidated by laboratory sessions where the student performs practical works focussing on the structural characterization of materials and the determination of some mechanical properties (last 4 to 5 weeks).
Evaluation method
Admission to final exam does not require obtaining frequency.
Approval in the UC by continuous evaluation requires:
- to attend at least 2/3 of the total practical sessions,
- to attend the laboratory sessions (mandatory),
- attendance of 1 midterm theoretico-practical (TP) quizz, 1 midterm practical (P) quizz and 1 theoretical (T) quiz that will take place according to CLIP , scheduled by the PC
The 3 midterm quizzes have the following weights:
- TP, weight 35%,
- P, weight 30%,
- T, weight 35%
For the final approval by continuous evaluation:
- the first midterm theoretico-practical quizz may not be graded below 7,
- final grade on the continuous evaluation above 9.5 required for final approval.
Final grade of the UC:
- final grade of the continuous evaluation, if above 9.5,
- result of the final exam.
In view of covid pandemic evaluations will be carried out online
Subject matter
Programs where the course is taught: