At the end of the semester, students must be able to:
- design work systems taking into account the person''''s physical-motor characteristics and limitations
- evaluate postures; design work stations based on anthropometric criteria
- design/adapt activities to prevent fatigue (static and dynamic)
- organize manual handling operations in order to prevent low back disorders, fatigue, and musculoskeletal disorders
- communicate with companies'''' safety specialists
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Teresa Martins Videira Gabriel, Isabel Maria Nascimento Lopes Nunes
Weekly - 4
Total - 56
Teaching language
Not applicable. There are no special requirements.
• Bush PM.Ergonomics–foundational principles,applications,and technologies.Taylor & Francis,2011
• Kroemer K.Fitting the Human.7th ed.Taylor & Francis,2017
• Lehto MR,Buck JR.Introduction to human factors and ergonomics for engineers.Taylor & Francis,2008
• Marras WS.Occupational ergonomics:design and management of work systems,2003
• Oborne DJ.Ergonomics at work:human factors in design and development.3rd ed.John Wiley & Sons,1995
• Pheasant S.Bodyspace.2nd ed.Taylor & Francis,1999
• Salvendy G.Handbook of human factors and ergonomics.2nd ed.John Wiley & Sons,1997
• Stack T et al.Occupational ergonomics–a practical approach.John Wiley & Sons,2016
• Stanton NA et al. A guide to methodology in ergonomics:designing for human use.Taylor & Francis,1999
• Wilson JR,Corlett EN.Evaluation of human work:a practical ergonomics methodology. 2nd ed.Taylor & Francis,1995
Teaching method
The teaching method consists of lectures and practical classes.
Lectures will be “online”. They will be expositive and interactive and they will explore the contents of the subject.
The practical classes will involve online activities with didactic support. The main objective is the correlation between the contents and the work in progress. If possible (due to the “pandemic” situation), face-to-face meetings will take place in the laboratory and they will be prior scheduled with students.
Evaluation method
The evaluation will be carried out throughout the semester taking into account the student''s interest, participation and performance in the proposed activities.
Final grade (NF):
• 50% theoretical component (T). One individual test. Score higher than 9,5.
• 50% practical component. Three practical assessments (P1, P2 and P3), in groups, at different times and with different contents. The average grade of the three assessments must be higher than 9,5.
Final grade (NF):
NF = 0,5*T + 0,5*(P1 + P2 + P3)/3
Subject matter
1. Introduction to Ergonomics: definition and connection to the industry.
2. The human at work and their physical, cognitive and organizational dimensions.
3. Fundamentals of anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics. Musculoskeletal system.
4. Functional capacities and working posture.
5. Methods for the assessment of biomechanical load (RULA, REBA and OWAS).
6. Repetitive tasks: tools and analysis methods (Strain Index, OCRA and ACGIH TLV-HAL).
7. Manual handling of loads. Planning tasks to prevent disorders (NIOSH, ACGIH TLV and HSE recommendations).
8. Hand-held tools and the risks to fatigue and disorders.
9. Work-related musculoskeletal disorders and prevention guidelines.