Supply Chain Management
The main knowledge to be acquired by students with this course is how to create a sustainable supply chain at global, national and organizational level.
With this course students are expected to develop their skills to understand the complexity of the supply chain structure and the dynamic behavior of the supply chain processes and, consequently, the complexity on decision making leading to an efficient and effective supply chain management. Furthermore, students must develop the ability to select the most adequate management strategies and practices to promote the competitiveness of supply chains, and train their skills in interpreting the supply chain performance.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Paula Ferreira Barroso, António Carlos Bárbara Grilo
Weekly - 4
Total - 84
Teaching language
Preferably 4th year students who have knowledge about inventory management.
Chopra S, Meindl P, Supply-Chain Management. Strategy, Planning and Operations, Pearson International Editions, 5ª ed., 2012, New Jersey.
Carvalho JC, Logística e Gestão na Cadeia de Abastecimento, Ed. Sílabo, 2010, Lisboa.
Carvalho JC, et al., Logística, Supply Chain & Network Management. Gestão em Casos de Estudo, Ad Litteram, 2004, Lisboa.
Coyle JJ, Bardi EJ, Langley CJ, The Management of Business Logistics. A Supply Chain Perspective, Thomson, 8ª ed., 2008, Quebec.
Shapiro JF, Modeling the Supply Chain, Duxbury, Thomson Learning, 2007, Australia.
Simchi-Levi D, Kaminsky P, Simchi-Levi E, Designing and Managing the Supply Chain. Concepts, Strategies and Case Studies, 3rd ed, McGraw-Hill, 2007, Boston.
Teaching method
The curricular unit is taught in lectures and labs.
In lectures, with a charge of 2 hours a week, key concepts, methodologies, and techniques prepared in advance by students are discussed based on examples and case studies.
In labs, with a charge of 2 hours a week, exercises and case studies are solved, and games in the supply chain management scope are playing allowing students to both gain a deeper understanding of the topics and develop reasoning skills.
Classes are prepared by students based on book chapters and scientific articles, as well as group or individual solving of exercises and case studies. Attention is given to the oral presentation and written projects. Active methods are used. Oral questions are frequently made for stimulate the student’s participation, prerequisite control, and knowledge assessment.
During the semester''s classes, two seminars given by specialists from companies will take place.
Evaluation method
The assessment will be carried out remotely. It includes six quizzes throughout the semester (Q), two tests (T1 and T2), eight assignments / exercises to be carried out during laboratory classes (E) and a group assignment (TG), with a weighting of 20, 20, 20, 10 and 30%, respectively, in the final grade.
Final grade = 0.2 Q + 0.2 T1 + 0.2 T2 + 0.1 E + 0.3 TG
The score for each component of the assessment will be rounded to two decimal places.
Students are excluded from the final exam if they fail the quizzes and problems and case studies carried out in laboratory classes.
The final grade must be at least 9.50 values. If it is less than 9.50 values, the student will have to take the final exam (Exame de Recurso), which replaces only T1 and T2.
The student must make the Grade Defense if the final grade is higher than 17 values. The Grade Defense is carried out through an Oral Exam to be scheduled with the student between 3 and 7 days after the final grade is released.
Subject matter
1. Fundamental concepts about supply chain management
1.1 Supply chain complexity
1.2 Fundamental issues in supply chain management.
2. Integrated supply chain management
2.1 Supply chain management objectives
2.2 Supply chain modelling
2.3 Analysis of strategies and paradigms to supply chain management
2.4 Analysis of the sustainability of supply chain management strategies and paradigms
3. Supply chain risk management
3.1 Categorization of risk
3.2 Risk analysis
3.3 Mitigation strategies
4. Performance evaluation of supply chain management
4.1 Quantitative and qualitative methodologies
4.2 The Supply Chain Operations Reference model
5. Realization of games in the supply chain management scope, and critical analysis of their results