Systems Ergonomic Design
The purpose of this course is to teach students methodologies focused on the optimization of the Human-System compatibility. Considering the human capabilities and limitations, work systems must be designed to minimize human error, stress, and fatigue of operators, as well as to improve ease of use, effectiveness, and productivity.
At the end of this course, the student will have acquired knowledge, skills and capacities to:
- Design work sist.s with computers - "traditional" or touch screens
- Design interactive interfaces
- Evaluate the usability of a system or digital interface
- Produce models of work systems, identify problems of human interaction with the work system, and explore the design of solutions in a virtual environment using digital tools.
- Prevent human error.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Isabel Maria Nascimento Lopes Nunes, Maria Celeste Rodrigues Jacinto
Weekly - 4
Total - 72
Teaching language
None are compulsory. However, it is highly recommended that students have completed the curricular units of Ergonomics and Occupational Safety and Health, since there is continuity in the themes addressed.
Norman D. A. The Design of Everyday Things, The MIT Press, 1998
Nielsen J. Usability Engineering, Acad Press, 1993
Tullis T.&Albert B. Measuring the user experience, Elsevier, 2008
Nielsen J.&Budiu R. Mobile Usability, New Riders, 2013
Kompier M. &Levi L.O stress no trabalho: causas, efeitos e prevenção. Guia para PME. FEMCVT, Dublin, 1995
Park K.S. Human Error in Handbook of Human Factors and Ergonomics. G. Salvendy (ed). J.Wiley & Sons, 1997
Teaching method
Teaching methods are based on theoretical and practical sessions.
The theoretical lectures (2 hours per week), in which the main concepts and theory are explained, are supported by data show.
The practical sessions occur in the lab (2 hours per week), in which students participate in the following activities:
• designd and/or evaluation of workstations with computers;
• development of a digital prototype application: design of interfaces and respective interactions;
• usability evaluation of a human-system interface;
• problem-solving exercises based on practical cases - for example, analysis and classification of human errors.
Evaluation method
The evaluation process has the following components:
- (50%) 3 practical project-assignments (TP1, TP2 and TP3) in groups of 3-4 students, with individual oral presentation and discussion. The completion of the second group-work also requires a written report in the format of a "conference paper".
- (50%) 1 individual test/quiz (T)
Admission to the individual test (or final exam) depends on "positive" evaluation in the TP component (average grade >=10 points)
The final grade is given by:
- Final Grade = 50% T + 50% TP (distributed 10% TP1 + 15% TP2 + 25% TP3)
Approval requires mín. grades of 10 pts on both components T and TP (the latter based on the average of the 3 TP).
Exam (compulsory for the students without approval in the individual test). The exam replaces the test on the same proportion (50%).
Subject matter
1. Design of Work systems with computers: Ergonomic requirements. Legislation. Workstation components and layout. Occupational health problems. New HCI: touchscreens.
2. Ergonomics and Lean Six Sigma in the design of work systems. Objectives and advantages. Synergies and antagonisms. The role of Ergonomics within Industry 4.0; relationship with digital interfaces.
3. Human Error and Cognitive Ergonomics. Definitions and human error classification. Human Reliability Assessment (HRA). Prevention of human error in the design of interfaces.
4. Interfaces design. Human-system interaction. User-centered development of interfaces. Usability Principles. Prototyping. Methods for evaluating usability. Cognitive Walkthrough and Nielsen heuristics. Prototyping Software packages: Justinmind e Balsamiq.
5. Work-related stress. Concepts. Health effects. Assessment methods and prevention of stress.