Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Transmit knowledge about the new paradigms of Integrated Product Development and Concurrent Engineering. The course also deals with the enabling technologies to apply those paradigms, namely CAD, CAE, CAM, CAPP, PDM and RP systems. The main output of this course is a project developed by the student along the semester applying and using all the referred to technologies.
- Fundamental principles of Integrated Product Development (IPD)
- Enabling technologies for IPD
- Organization and management of product data (PDM)
- Team organization and management.
- Solution evaluation and selection of the adequate technologies
- Use specialized software to support the case studies of product development
- Team work management
Soft skills
- Team work
- Time management
- Technical writing
- Oral presentations
- Develop critical thinking
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Carla Maria Moreira Machado, Telmo Jorge Gomes dos Santos
Weekly - 4
Total - 86
Teaching language
Previous frequency of the DAC course is convenient.
Class notes from the Professor (Presentations, compilations and articles)
Daniel E. O’Leary, Enterprise Resource Palnning Systems: Systems, Life Cycle; Electronic Commerce and Risk, Cambridge University Press, 2000
Kunwoo Lee, Principles of CAD/CAM/CAE Systems, Addison Wesley, Reading Mass., 1999
M.P Groover e E.W. Zimmers, CAD/CAM Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing, Prentice-Hall, Englewoods Clifs, 1984
C. McMahon and J. Browne, CAD/CAM from Principles to Practice, Addison Wesley, Reading Mass., 1993.
Teaching method
The teaching includes Lectures and Tutorial sessions. In the lectures can be done through presentations or demonstrations, in those cases that involve the different envisaged technologies. Discussion will be motivated involving case studies. In the tutorial classes the students will develop skills in the use of the differents technological systems, namelly CAD, CAM, PDM and others.
Evaluation method
The evaluation is based solely on the student''''s work and commitment. The evaluation is continuous and consists in the realization of an eveluation test (T) and a knowledge integrating project (PF) about product development. This project is carried out in teams of 3 students and developed throughout the semester using the available software and equipment, with the intention of eveluate the integration capacity, their ability to handle complex situations and teamwork.
Attendance at class and active intervention by students gives rise to a major/minor factor of the final grade.
At the end of the semester a report describing the development of the project should be submitted and an oral presentation of the developed work should be made. Students are evaluated individually.
Final grade: 0.4*T+0.6*PF
The student must have a final grade of 10 or higher to pass.
Subject matter
The different paradigms for produtct development: Traditional and Concurrent Engineering. Different Strategies dor prooduct development. Technology, Innovation and product performance. Quality, Reliability and Robusteness. Advantages of the Concurrrent Engineering for innovative product development strategies. Modelling Systems: CAD systems. Computer Aided Process Palnning (CAPP): Fundamental principles. Classification and Coding Systems. CAM systems. Product Data Management (PDM): Fundamental principles and operational characteristics. Rapid prototyping and additive manufacturing. Integration platforms. Product Life Cycle. Product Structuring and Planning. Resource analysis and implementation methodologies.