The main knowledge to be acquired by students with this unit is the methodologies, models and techniques in the logistics activities scope. Students should be able to evaluate and control logistics systems performance.
With this unit students are expected to develop their skills to understand how logistics contribute to value creation, explore the factors that can influence the efficiency and effectiveness of the value chains, but also in the ability to elect the best methodology, models and techniques to be used for improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the supply chains. Furthermore, students should also train their skills in interpreting the logistics activities performance.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
António Carlos Bárbara Grilo, Nuno Alexandre Correia Martins Cavaco
Weekly - 4
Total - 84
Teaching language
Preferably fifth year students.
Carvalho, J.C., Logística e Gestão na Cadeia de Abastecimento, Ed. Sílabo, 2010, Lisboa.
Chopra, S. e Meindl, P., Supply-Chain Management. Strategy, Planning and Operations, Pearson International Editions, 5ª ed., 2009, New Jersey.
Coyle, J.J., Bardi, E.J., e Langley, C.J., The Management of Business Logistics. A Supply Chain Perspective, Thomson, 7ª ed., 2003, Quebec.
Lambert, D.M. et al., Fundamentals of Logistics Management, The Irwin/McGraw-Hill series in Marketing, 1998, Boston.
Papacostas, S., Transportation Engineering and Planning, Prentice-Hall, 1993, London.
Teaching method
In lectures the expositive method is adopted to present concepts, methods and models. Oral questions are frequently made for prerequisite control, knowledge assessment and stimulate students’ participation.
In laboratory sessions the experimental method is adopted. Active methods are used. The students are challenged with multifaceted problems which should be solved. Also, case studies are analyzed and discussed. Frequently teamwork is used.
Evaluation method
The continuous evaluation of the curricular unit involves three components of assessment, theoretical-practical assessment (1 test, T online), 1 individual assignment (I) and 1 laboratory assessment (1 final group assignment; TG), with a weighting, respectively, of 50 %, 15% 35% in the final grade.
Final grade = 0.5 T + 0.15 I + 0.35 TG
The grade of each evaluation component is rounded to one hundredth.
To dispense with the final exam, the final grade must be greater than or equal to 10 points.
In exam the evaluation of the course unit is equal to the exam score (E), obtaining approval if the mark is equal to or higher than 10 values
The frequency, valid for 1 year, is obtained by obtaining approval in group work (TG).
In tests and examinations only the use of a scientific calculating machine is permitted.
Subject matter
- Basic concepts. Value-added role of logistics. Logistic activities and costs.
- Warehouse management. Basic layout types. Warehouse and storage operations. Material handling equipment. Storage layout planning. Order picking operations.
- Transportation management. Value-added role of transportation. Transportation modes and their performance characteristics. Logistics platforms. Transportation vs inventory management. Trip generation models.
- Reverse logistics. Objectives, motivations and dimensions. Supply chain management on closed loop.
- Information Technology. E-Business.
- Logistics performance evaluation. Models and performance measures.
Programs where the course is taught: