Marketing and Innovation
The course is intended to provide the students with basic marketing skills, namely: marketing research techniques, market strategies, like positioning and segmentation, and the marketing mix. It is also focused the innovation concept and its strategic framework, as well as the technology role in the innovation process.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Sofia Leonardo Vilela de Matos, Rogério Salema Araújo Puga Leal
Weekly - 4
Total - 66
Teaching language
Available soon
Dibb, Sally; Simkin, Lyndon; Pride, William M. and Ferrell, O. C. (2012). Marketing: Concepts and Strategies (6th ed.).London: Cengage.
Philip T. Kotler and Kevin Keller (2016), Marketing Management, 15th Edition, Pearson.
Vicente, P., Reis, E. e Ferrão, F.(2001), "Sondagens-a amostragem como factor decisivo de qualidade", Edições Sílabo.
Hair, J. H., Black, W. C., Babin, B. J., Anderson, R. E., (2009), Multivariate Data Analysis, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall Higher Education.
William G. Zikmund, Barry J. Babin (2016), Essentials of Marketing Research, Cengage.
Teaching method
Teaching strategy is based on a combination of expositive approaches with simulated practice. The course’s project is aimed to develop student’s technical skills as well as their ability to perform teamwork.
Evaluation method
Assessment: 2 quizzes (50 % each)
To be released from the final exam, the average from both quizzes.must be above 9,5.
Subject matter
1. Marketing concept and its evolution
- Marketing under several perspectives
- Marketing-mix
- Marketing and strategic planning
2. Marketing research: obtaining and analyzing Marketing data
- Primary data versus secondary data
- Qualitative appraches versus quantitative approaches
- Pannels
- Surveys
- Consumer behaviour
- The utilization of multiple regression for decision support
3. Market Strategy
- Markets
- Segmentation
- Positioning
4. Marketing-Mix
- Marketing mix variables
- Product and service policies
- Price policy
- Communication policy
- Distribution policy
5. Marketing plan
6. Innovation
- Innovation concept
- Innovation categories
- RDI management systems
- The Portuguese standards
Programs where the course is taught: