Master Thesis in Industrial and Management Engineering
The curricular unit “Dissertação” concludes the academic path leading to the Master’s degree in Industrial Engineering and Management. Therefore, their objectives envisage assuring that students acquired a thorough level of knowledge in the field of Industrial Engineering and Management. Furthermore, the student must integrate acquired knowledge and skills assuring their utilization in broader contexts, notably in technical and scientific frameworks in the aforementioned field.
The dissertation must demonstrate that those objectives were achieved. On the other hand, the oral discussion reflects student’s ability for communicating their conclusions as well as the underlying knowledge in a clear and effective way.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Sofia Leonardo Vilela de Matos, António Carlos Bárbara Grilo
Weekly - 2
Total - 240
Teaching language
There are several areas within Industrial Engineering and Management in which the student might focus his thesis development. Therefore, the bibliography will be different in accordance with the research issue.
Teaching method
Available soon
Evaluation method
The methodology associated to thesis development is based on academic supervision, which is performed by a doctorate professor or researcher. In some cases, the supervision can also be assured by a specialist whose merit must be recognized by the Council of DEMI.
The thesis is submitted to public discussion with a jury nominated by the President of DEMI. Such jury is composed by three to five elements, including the supervisor. The grade is conceded in a scale between 0 and 20, being required a minimum of 10 for approval. |
Subject matter
The program is focused on thesis development, whose objectives are established by the supervisor in articulation with MEGI’s Scientific Commission. The work development follows the conventional approach, encompassing the following stages:
Bibliographic research
Work development, either scientific or technological oriented
Public discussion