Digital Communication
Provide the students with:
Limits for the information transference.
The knowledge on sinusoidal modulation techniques, including aspects such as spectral and power efficiency.
The knowledge on receivers and adequate emission structures to this type of signals, as well as signal processing algorithms.
Strong knowledge on channel codification techniques and coding/decoding algorithms.
Become familiar with the coding/decoding techniques usually used in modern digital communication systems (related with other courses such as "Comunicações Sem Fios").
Solid theoretical bases and abilities that allow a professional activity in the telecommunications area, or more advanced studies.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Paulo da Costa Luís da Fonseca Pinto, Rui Miguel Henriques Dias Morgado Dinis
Weekly - 4
Total - 64
Teaching language
The students must be comfortable with complex and integral calculus and Fourier analysis . It is also necessary previous attendance, with success, on Introduction to the Telecommunications and Telecommunications Systems.
[1] S. Haykin, Communication Systems, John Wiley, 2008.
[2] A. Carlson, Communication Systems, McGraw-Hill, 2001.
Information theory [1, Cap. 9], [2, Cap. 16]
Random signals [1, Cap. 1], [2, Cap. 8-9]
Detection theory [1, Cap 5], [2, Cap. 16]
Line codes [1, Cap. 4], [2, Cap. 11]
ISI-free transmission over bandlimited channels [1, Cap. 4], [2, Cap. 11]
Digital modulations [1, Cap. 6], [2, Cap. 14]
Channel coding [1, Cap. 10], [2, Cap. 13]
Teaching method
The theoretical part of the course is given in 2-hour classes, followed by 2-hour practical classes where application problems are solved.
Evaluation method
Presencial tests/exams
Students with special covid status make online tests
Online tests are different of presencial tests, have different duration and higher grades need to be defended.
The classification is defined by the arithmetic average of the tests or by the exam.
The students can repeat one test in the date of the exam.
Subject matter
Basis of information theory. Source coding. Channel coding.
Study of the digital modulation and codification techniques employed in the digital communication systems. Study of the digital modulation techniques, including aspects like spectral and power efficiency, as well as the emission/reception structures characterization. Is given special attention to QPSK, OQPSK and MQAM modulations. Study of equalization techniques and transmission techniques for broadband systems, with emphasis on the OFDM and S-FDE techniques adopted in 4G wireless systems. Analysis of different coding techniques usually used at physical layer, including convolucional codes, block codes, and concatenated schemes (serial and parallel).
Introduction to the spread spectrum techniques, giving emphasis to the statistics properties associated to the different code types and respective scenarios of applicability.
Relationship between the subjects studied and real systems such as GSM, UMTS, 802.11, Wimax, DVB, LTE and ADSL.