Distributed Manufacturing Systems
Provide a general understanding of the trends, approaches and methods in distributed manufacturing systems.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Luís Manuel Camarinha de Matos
Weekly - 4
Total - 64
Teaching language
Basic programming skills.
- Collaborative networked organizations – A research agenda for emerging business models, L.M. Camarinha-Matos, H. Afsarmanesh, Springer, 2004
- Course handouts: http://www-srmi.dee.fct.unl.pt/leec/sdm/2011_2012/classes/default.html
- Selected technical papers. Examples:
- R. Dekkers, Distributed Manufacturing as Co-Evolutionary System, Int Journal of Production Research, 2010. http://peer.ccsd.cnrs.fr/docs/00/51/30/44/PDF/PEER_stage2_10.1080%252F00207540802350740.pdf
- M. Koç, J. Ni, J. Lee, P. Bandyopadhyay, Introduction to e-Manufacturing, CRC Press, 2005. http://wumrc.engin.umich.edu/junni/publications/Introductionofe-Manufacturing.pdf
- P. Leitão, Agent-based distributed manufacturing control: A state-of-the-art survey, Journal Distributed Control of Production Systems, Volume 22, Issue 7, 2009, Pages 979–991.
- H. Sundmaeker, P. Guillemin, P. Friess, S. Woelfflé, Vision and Challenges for Realising the Internet of Things, 2010. European Commission.
Teaching method
Theoretical part: Formal lectures.
Practical component: Development of lab assignments, with support by teaching staff.
Evaluation method
Mini-quiz (one per unit) 50% + 5 practical works 50%
Subject matter
1 - Overview of Distributed Manufacturing Systems (DMS)
2 - Sensor Networks in DMS
3 - Natural User Interfaces in DMS
4 - Industry 4.0
5 - Introduction to Roadmapping and Future Planning
6 - Examples of Roadmapping
7 - Cyber Physical Systems
8 - Solar Parks Supervision
9 - 3D printing
10 - Simulation in DMS