

  1. 1.        Understanding
    1. 1.        Industrial Robots Main Components, types of geometry, and main parameters
    2. 2.        Referentials and Homogeneous Transformations
    3. 3.        Robot Kinematics: forward and Inverse
    4. 4.        Trajectory Planning
    5. 5.        Main Robot Sensors and their characteristics
    6. 6.        Robot Vision
    7. 7.        Mobile Robots Main Characteristics
    8. 8.        Robot Perception and Localisation
    9. 9.        Mobile Robots Kinematics
  2. 2.        Able to Do
    1. 1.        Addressing new problems and implementing strategies in the domain of Industrial and Mobile Robots
    2. 2.        Increase the capacity to implement Industrial Robots Programs and simple mobile robots control programs, including accessing and processing their most relevant sensors
    3. 3.        Apply creativity and innovation
  3. 3.        Non-Technical Competences
    1. 1.        Develop synthesis critical thinking
    2. 2.        Team working and increasing oral and writing communication skills
    3. 3.        Improve time keeping and compliance with meeting deadlines

General characterization





Responsible teacher

José António Barata de Oliveira, Luís Manuel Camarinha de Matos


Weekly - 4

Total - Available soon

Teaching language



Available soon


Available soon

Teaching method

Available soon

Evaluation method

Available soon

Subject matter

  1. 1.        INTRODUCTION
    1. 1.      Historical Development
    2. 2.      Robot Components
    3. 3.      Robot Classifications & Parameters
  1. Position and Orientation
    1. Referentials & Orientation
    2. Transformation Matrices
  2. Robot Arm Kinematics
    1. Forward and Inverse Kinematics
  3. Trajectory Planning
  4. Robot Sensors [1]
    1. Principles of Sensing
    2. Sensors of Movement
    3. Proximity and Ranging Sensors
  5. Robot Vision
    1. Camera Calibration
    2. Images and Image Processing
    3. Vision Based Control
  6. Robot Programming
  7. Mobile Robots
    1. Introduction
    2. Locomotion
    3. Kinematics
  8. Mobile Robots Perception
    1. Sensors for Mobile Robots
    2. Place Recognition
    3. Feature Extraction Based on Range Data (Laser, Ultrasonic)
  9. Mobile Robots Localisation
    1. The challenge of Localising
    2. Dead Reckoning (3.6.1)
    3. Localise with a map & SLAM
  10. Mobile Robots Planning & Navigation
    1. Reactive Navigation
    2. Obstacle Avoidance – Bug algorithm and others
    3. Map Based Planning


Programs where the course is taught: