Signal Theory
In this subject the student will learn: to handle the main concepts and analytical tools for analysis and processing of deterministic discrete-time signals; to analyze continuous-time signals and systems; the main concepts on sampling signals. The student acquires the ability to apply analytical and computational tools to solve real signal processing problems.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Fernando José Almeida Vieira do Coito
Weekly - 5
Total - 75
Teaching language
Available soon
Recomended book:
Bernd Girod, R. Rabenstein e A. Stenger, "Signals and Systems", Wiley
Other books and documents:
Alan V. Oppenheim, "Signal and Systems", Prentice Hall
Hanbook of Matlab
Hanbook of Simulink
Labs and problems:
Problems with solutions
Problems without solutions
Lab works
Teaching method
The course considers theoretical classes and Labs. During lab classes the conceptes introduced during th theoretical class are applied both from an analytical and an hands-on point of view. Each sequence theoretical class+lab covers a main subject.
Evaluation method
The approval on the Signal Theory course can be achieved in one of two alternative ways:
1. Average grade higher than 9.5 values (scale 0-20 values) in the evaluation of 2 tests to be carried out during the semester.
2. Conducting a final exam (“recurso”) with a minimum grade of 9.5.
The course doesn’t have a frequency evaluation. All students who do not get approved on tests may attend the final exam.
Tests and Exam:
Both the tests and the exam will have two evaluation components: theoretical-practical component and laboratory component. The evaluation of the laboratory component will focus on the work carried out in practical / laboratory classes . This component corresponds to 25% of the evaluation (5 points).
For the purposes of consultation, students may take only one A4 sheet with them for the tests and exam. The A4 sheet can include any material that the student considers useful, namely formulas, tables or information about laboratory work.
Practical classes / laboratory:
The frequency of practical classes / laboratory is not mandatory.
In laboratory classes, practical work will be carried out with evaluation. Students who respond to class work are exempt from answering the questions of the laboratory component of the exam or tests.
Subject matter
1 Signal and Systems
2 Linear, time invariant systems
3 The Laplace transform
4 Z transform
5 Periodic signals and the Fourier series (DFT)
6 Discrete-time Fourier transform
7 The continuous-time Fourier Transform