Food Preservation
Acquisition of knowledge, skills and proficiency (1) Main causes for food disturbance and their mechanisms and (2) The processes of food preservation.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Ana Luísa Almaça da Cruz Fernando
Weekly - 4
Total - 56
Teaching language
Basic expertise of biology, chemistry and biochemistry.
Belitz, H. D.; Grosch, W.; Schieberle, P. (2009) Food Chemistry, Springer (Ed.), 4th Edition, 1070 pp, (ISBN 978-3540699354)
Fellows P. (2009) Food Processing and Technology. Principles and Practice (Food Science (Woodhead Publishing Technology and Nutrition), CRC Press (Ed.), 3rd Edition, 913 pp (ISBN 978 1439808214)
Wilkinson, V. M. and Gould, G. M. (1996) Food irradiation. A reference guide, Wilkinson, V. M. (Ed.), Woodhead Publishing Ltd (Pubs.), 180 pp (ISBN 978 1855733596)
Teaching method
Lectures sessions with datashow. Theoretical-practical sessions of aplications. Field trips.
Evaluation method
Theorethical component:
2 mini-tests, each corresponding to 25% of the final mark
Practical component:
2 reports, each corresponding to 25% of the final mark
Approval with a minimum score of 9.5 (scale of 20).
If students go to exam, the final mark will be 50% (exam) + 25% (TP1) + 25% (TP2)
Subject matter
1- Food quality. Concept of useful life. High quality life (HQL) and product safety life (PSL).
2 - Main causes for food deterioration and related mechanisms. Enzimatic reactions. Chemical reactions. Biological modifications: a) due to the processed materials, b) resulting from external organisms.
3 - Presence of water in food. Importance of water on the food preservation. Physical ststes of the water. The concept of water activity and its interpretation. Constraints of the water activity concept, others concepts. Transient phenomena. The vitrea transition.
4 - Food preservation processes. Conventional processes. Processing emerging technologies.
Programs where the course is taught: