Groundwater Modelling


To know the potential and limitations of mathematical models used in hydrogeological simulation. To acquire the skills and base knowledge necessary to the use of 2D and 3D hydrogeological modeling software. To meet the necessary conditions for development of physical models of groundwater flow. To know the most important units and properties and the potential of reactive processes and transport modeling of different types of contaminants in groundwater. To understand limitations and possibilities of the particular case of hydrogeological modeling of massive fractured rocks. To acquire practical on hydrogeological modeling and contaminant transport and reactive processes using different practical case studies. To acquire practical knowledge that is necessary for the modeling processes related with active or passive treatment of groundwater, such as "pump-and-treat"; installation of "drains", "passive barriers" or "active barriers".

To understand and to correlate geophysical results with its respective possible groundwater models. To generate flux model from hydrigeohysic units. 

To understand the diferences of groundwater fluxes betweeen fractured rock massifs and primary porosity massifs.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

Sofia Verónica Trindade Barbosa


Weekly - 3

Total - 62

Teaching language





[1] Vallejo, L. , Mercedes, F., Ortuño, L., Oteo, C. (2002) Ingeneria Geológica - Parte I, Capítulo 5 Hidrogeologia”. Prentice Hall, Madrid, ISBN: 84-205-3104-9, p.264-302.

[2] Liu, D., Lipták, B. (2000) Groundwater and surface water pollution. Lewis Publishers, USA. 150 p.

[3] Zheng, C. & Bennet, G. (2002) Applied Contaminant Transport Modeling. “. 2.nd Edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Publication, USA. 621 p.

[4] Custodio, E e Llamas, MR (1983a) Hidrologia Subterranea. Tomos I e II. Ediciones Omega, S. A., Barcelona, 1157 p.

[5] Marques, JM, Chambel, A e Ribeiro, L. (2007) AIH-GP and IAH - Commission on Hard Rock Hydrogeology - Iberian Regional Working Group. Proceedings of the Symposium on Thermal and Mineral Waters in Hard Rock Terrains, Lisboa, Portugal, 202 p.

[6] S. Barbosa (2014). Sebentas de apoio às aulas teórico-práticas de “Modelação de Águas Subterrâneas” 

Teaching method

The teaching model adopted is kind of theoretical and practical with: i) theoretical lectures and practical multimedia support; ii) practice with problem solving using adequate software.

Evaluation method

Theoretical and practical component (30%) and laboratory / project (70%). Theory and practice: a test that may be substituted forexamination. Component of the project: to get with delivery andevaluation of exercises, divided into two modules (35% each module).

Subject matter

Groundwater modelling: principles; fundamental equations; modeling process (protocol); calibration; input data quality; PMWin-Modflow. Modeling of reactive processes and contaminant transport: hydrolysis, oxidation-reduction, biodegradation, adsorption, evaporation, filtration, precipitation, complexation/pH/redox, adsorption; advection, dispersion, retardation; chemical transport reactions; transportand reactive effects equation; natural attenuation. PMWin-MT3DMS, PHT3D, MT3D99, RT3D, MOC3D e PMPATH. Introduction to fractured rock hydrogeology. 

Introduction to fractured rock hydrogeology.

Introduction to hydrogeophysics - hydrogeophysic unit, modelation of hydrogeophisic units and respective generation of flux models.


Programs where the course is taught: