Technical Drawing


At the end of the semester, the students will have the skills, knowledge and competences, which allow them:

 - To be able to understand and to apply the rules of Technical Drawing;

- To be able to draw orthogonal projections, also using sectional views and dimensions, either using computer-aided design software (CAD 2D) or free-hand;

- To be able to understand and to apply the rules for axonometric projections (perspectives);

- To be able to understand and to apply the rules for assembly drawings;

- To be able to understand and to apply the rules for graphical representation of mechanical elements;

- To model 3D parts and assemblies using a Computer-Aided Design software (CAD 3D);

- To generate Gcode files necessary to 3D print the parts modelled;

- To print the parts modelled using an additive manufacturing technique (FDM).

- To do teamwork.

General characterization





Responsible teacher

António José Freire Mourão, Rui Fernando dos Santos Pereira Martins


Weekly - 4

Total - 56

Teaching language



No requirements are needed.


  1. Desenho Técnico – Luís Veiga da Cunha – Ed. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, 15ª edição;
  2. Desenho Técnico Moderno – Arlindo Silva, Carlos Tavares Ribeiro, João Dias, Luís Sousa – Ed. Lidel, 2005.
  3. Desenho Técnico Básico (Vol. III) - Simões Morais - Porto Editora, 2006
  4. Other bibliographical elements furnished by the teacher, such as exercises, notes, etc.

Teaching method

The oral exposition is essentially the teaching method used, associated with sketches, schemes and resumes made by the teacher in the classroom blackboard. The video projector is also used in the classroom. The teacher solves some typical problems to teach the strategy of resolution to the students.

Then some practical problems are distributed, and the students have to answer them in the classroom in a period.

Evaluation method

The evaluation of students during the semester will be done through one test (T) and one practical work (TP).

  • The admission to the Exam (frequency) is obtained if the classification in the practical work (TP) is at least 9.50 (out of 20).
  • The frequency is valid for one year.
  • A minimum grade of 8.50 is required for the theoretical and practical evaluation issue (Test).
  • The approval during the semester will depend on an evaluation, NF, be equal to or higher than 9.50, which will be calculated by the following formula:
                       NF=0.7 x T + 0.3 x TP
  • During "Época de Recurso", the final grade, NF, will be equal to the classification obtained by the student in the exam and the approval in the Course will depend on a value of NF equal or higher than 9.50.

Subject matter

- Rules for graphical representation of parts and assemblies.

- Representation of components through orthogonal projections.

- Sectional views.

- Dimensioning.

- Axonometric views.

- Mechanical assembly drawings.

- Introduction to Computer-Aided Design (CAD 2D and CAD 3D).

- Introduction to additive manufacturing.


Programs where the course is taught: