Techniques for the Characterization of Materials and Surfaces
The goal for this unit is familiarize the students with those techniques based in charged particle beams used for materials and surface characterization and available the Physics department or at partner institutions.
Students should become prepared for jobs related with analytical techniques based in charged particles.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Adelaide de Almeida Pedro de Jesus, Orlando Manuel Neves Duarte Teodoro
Weekly - 5
Total - 70
Teaching language
Students should have a good background on Atomic and Molecular Physics, Nuclear Physics, vaccum technology and charged particle optics.
Surface and Thin Film Analysis
Gernot Friedbacher (Editor), Henning Bubert (Editor)
ISBN: 978-3-527-32047-9
April 2011
Handbook of Modern Ion Beam Materials Analysis
Michael A Nastasi, Joseph R Tesmer
Teaching method
Given the specificity of the program, this course is divided into two modules with different teachers in each module.
In the first module the program will presented around each technique, describing the physical underline principles and the required instrumentation. This will be supported by theoretical calsses and laboratory sessions (SIMS and XPS).
In the second module, nuclear techniques, theory will be exposed in lectures, supported by practical classes looking for the integration of concepts through exercises and simulation. To increase knowledge and contact with the applications of the techniques, students individually make reading and subsequent presentation of a techno-scientific papers.
Evaluation method
This unit consists of two modules, with separate evaluations.
Module 1 (Surface techniques):
1- Written test (70%)
2- Written report on a laboratory work (30%)
Attendance: Mark 2 ≥ 9.5
Approval: Module classification ≥ 9.5 and Mark 1 and Mark 2 ≥ 9.5
Module 2 (nuclear techniques):
1- Final test (70%)
2- Simulation work (30%)
Attendance: Mark 2 ≥ 9.5
Aproval: Module classification ≥ 9.5 and Mark 1 and Mark 2 ≥ 9.5
The final classification will be calculated by the average of the module classifications.
If approval is not obtained in one module, in the following scholar year repetition of only that module will be necessary.
Subject matter
1- Surface analysis versus materials analysis.
2- The electron microscope (SEM and TEM). Microanalysis and high pressure SEM.
3- Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry (SIMS).
4- Scanning Auger Microscopy (SAM and AES).
5- Photoelectron spetrosocopies (XPS and UPS).
6- Other surface analysis techniques (LEIS, LEED, etc).
7. Analytical techniques based in acelerated beams (0.5 - 4 MeV).
8. Analytical techniques based in slow neutrons.