Biomass and Wastes Valorisation
Acquisition of knowledge, ability and expertise: (1) Processes of treatment and valorisation of biomassa and wastes; (2) Protection of public health and environment; (3) Economic value of wastes; (4) Intervention to solve real problems; (5) Verification of adequacy with the normes and legal regulations.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Nuno Carlos Lapa dos Santos Nunes
Weekly - 5
Total - 70
Teaching language
Background on biology and chemistry
Ralph E. H. Sims (2002) The brilliance of bioenergy: in business and in practice. James & James (Science Publishers) Ltd, 316 pp. (ISBN: 1 902916 28 X)
M. Manuela da Fonseca e José A. Teixeira (2007) Reactores biológicos: Fundamentos e aplicações. Lidel, 483 pp. (ISBN-10: 972-757-366-5; ISBN-13: 978-972-757-366-0)
J. F. Santos Oliveira, B. Mendes, N. Lapa (2009) Resíduos – Gestão, Tratamento e sua Problemática em Portugal, Lidel-Edições Técnicas, Lda (Ed.), 542 pp (ISBN: 978-972-757-504-6)
J. F. Santos Oliveira (2005) Gestão Ambiental. Lidel - Edições Técnicas Lda (Ed.), 344 pp (ISBN 972-757-328-2)
Useful web site addresses and additional bibliographic references are referred during the development of the course.
Teaching method
Theoretical and theorico-practical lectures thaught in classrooms with oral communication of the teaching programme and resolution of exercises. Teaching activity supported by a webpage in Moodle@FCT platform where all the teaching materials are available (slides of lectures; solved problems; additional problems; tests).
Evaluation method
Two theoretical tests (TT1 and TT2) and two theorico-practical tests (TTP1 and TTP2).
The theoretical classification (CT) is obtained as follows:
CT = 0.50 * TT1 + 0.50 * TT2
The theorico-practical classification (CTP) is obtained as follows:
CTP = 0.50 * TTP1 + 0.50 * TTP2
The final classification (CF) is calculated as follows:
CF = 0.60 * CT + 0.40 * CTP
The student succeed if CF ≥ 9.50 (in 20). The student does not succeed if CF < 9.50 (in 20).
The students must do the Final Exam if CF < 9.50 (in 20), or no test was done by the student.
The students can do the Final Examination if they want to improve the CF score obtained in the tests.
Subject matter
1. Characterisation parameters of biomass and biowastes. Important units.
2. Physico-chemical properties of organic wastes.
3. Basics on microbial processes: stoichiometry and kinetics.
4. Anaerobic digestion towards methane production. Case studies.
5. Fermentative processes towards biohydrogen production. Case studies.