Forestry Biomass Production
Acquisition of kwnoledge, ability and expertise (1) Diversity of portuguese forestry and factors of influence; (2) Amelioration and adequacy of forestry and agricultural-forestry practices concerning the increase of forestry productivity; (3) Adequate management and preservation of the forestry and the associated risks; (4) Production and valorization of forestry biomass and residues as an energy alternative to fossil fuels; (5) The role of forestry at regional and global level.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Maria Margarida Boavida Pontes Gonçalves, Nuno Carlos Lapa dos Santos Nunes
Weekly - 5
Total - 70
Teaching language
Not predictable
Costa, M. (1993) Silvicultura Geral, Litexa edit, vol. I, 262 pg.
Cabral, F.C. and G.R. Telles (1999) A árvore em Portugal, Assírio e Alvim edit, 203 pg.
Summary Report of the World Commission on Forests and Sustainable Development (1999). Our forests, our future, 37 pp.
ITTO (2002) Increasing timber processing, utilization, efficiency and reducing waste, PPD 66/02.
Humphries, C.J., J.R Press e D.A. Sutton (2004) Trees of Britain and Europe. Hamlyn Guide, 320 pp.
Godinho-Ferreira P., Azevedo A. & Rego F. (2005) Carta da tipologia florestal de Portugal Continental. Silva Lusitana 13: 1-34
Hasenauer, H. (2005) Sustainable Forest Management. Growth Models for Europe, Hasenauer, H. (Ed.), Springer-Verlag (Publs.), 398 pp (ISBN 978-3540260981)
Röser, D.; Asikainen, A.; Raulund-Rasmussen, K. & Stupak, I. (2006) Sustainable Use of Forest Biomass for Energy- A Synthesis with Focus on the Baltic and Nordic Region, Series: Managing Forest Ecosystems , Vol. 12, Springer-Verlag (Ed.), Heidelberg, 250 pp.
Teaching method
Theoretical sessions with datashow. Theoretical-practical sessions for demonstration and case studies analysis. Field trips.
Evaluation method
Suceed with a minimum classification of 9.5 values (grade of 20 values).
Subject matter
1. The evolution of forests in Portugal. The importance of forestry in portuguese economy. Main types and changes in EU forests, OGM trees.
2. Criteria for selecction and adequacy of species and agricultural practices to biomass production. Some ecological aspects of the main forestry species in Portugal.
3. Sustainable forest management and forest certification. Forest residues, physical-chemical characterization. Utlization for bioenergy purposes.
4. Principal threats affecting terrestrial biomes. Illegal logging, fires, drought, acid rain, climatic changes. Economic, social and environmental impacts.