Mechanical Behavior of Nanomaterials
The UC intends to provide the students the required knowledge to mechanically characterize a material, through the execution of quality control tests.
General characterization
Responsible teacher
Alexandre José da Costa Velhinho
Weekly - 5
Total - 84
Teaching language
Overview of the mechanical behavior of materials.
Theory of Elasticity.
Characterization of the mechanical behavior of a material: tensile behavior.
Mechanical behavior of polymers.
Phenomenology of the plastic deformation.
Plastic deformation of metals.
Production of nanomaterials/nanostructuredmaterials.
Mechanical properties of nanocrystalline materials.
Inverse Hall-Petch effect.
- Deformation mechanisms in nanstructured materials.
- Models of the mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline materials.
Failure in service:
- Fracture
- Fatigue
Thermal fatigue.
Thermal stresses in thin films.
- Creep
Teaching method
Teaching comprises
- tyheoretical sessions, where basic concepts are presented,
- practical sessions in laboratory (processing, mechanical testing and characterization techniques),
- theoretica-practical sessions for numerical resolution of problems and data processing from experiments in lab sessions.
Evaluation method
Due to the disturbance caused by health confinement due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the evaluation method initially defined suffers the following changes:
The final grade (NF) is obtained as follows:
- for the continuous assessment situation
• (A) NF = 0.50 * T1 + 0.50 * T2
- in case of passing a final exam
• (B) NF = NE
• T1 and T2 are the test scores (continuous assessment)
• NE is the grade of the Final Exam.
The test score for module A (T1) will correspond to that obtained in the face-to-face test to be held on the date to be determined superiorly for the Season of Appeal exam.
The test score referring to modules B and C (T2) will correspond to the one obtained in a remote test, in Moodle support or another one deemed convenient by the teachers due to the actual conditions that are close to the date of the test; the aforementioned test may, also depending on what the professors may consider more reliable, take place on a single occasion, on the date initially stipulated for the 2nd UC test, or can unfold in a set of mini-tests taking place on neighboring dates of that .
On the date that will be fixed for the Normal Season exam, the student, if he / she obtained a positive classification in the 2nd test (T2), choose to perform only the 1st test (T1) or the complete exam. In the first hypothesis, the final classification will be determined according to (A), above; otherwise, it will be defined according to (B).
If the evolution of the pandemic precludes the realization of the laboratory experiments, the UC frequency will be awarded as a result of participating in the assessment tests.
Classifications obtained in the Distance Assessment regime equal to or higher than 15 values may be subject to subsequent oral test.
For the remainder, and without prejudice to any subsequent changes that may become necessary in view of the evolution of the situation, the recommendations contained in the Annex to Order No. 04/2020, of 30 March, adopted by the Director of FCT / UNL.
Subject matter
Overview of the mechanical behavior of materials.
Theory of Elasticity.
Characterization of the mechanical behavior of a material: tensile behavior.
Mechanical behavior of polymers.
Phenomenology of the plastic deformation.
Plastic deformation of metals.
Production of nanomaterials/nanostructuredmaterials.
Mechanical properties of nanocrystalline materials.
Inverse Hall-Petch effect.
- Deformation mechanisms in nanstructured materials.
- Models of the mechanical behavior of nanocrystalline materials.
Failure in service:
- Fracture
- Fatigue
Thermal fatigue.
Thermal stresses in thin films.
- Creep